Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q755: I have service-connection for the presumptive diseases prostate and multiple myeloma (MM) listed by VA as being caused by exposure to Agent Orange while serving in Korea in 1968-69. MM is an incurable disease and VA has denied my disability claim multiple times for this disease. This despite the fact I have submitted medical evidence for the past 5 years confirming plasma cells remain in my bone marrow and I can relapse at any time. My question is: Do I have to relapse to get VA to acknowledge disability and approve my claim, submitted in February 2012, for MM?

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A1: If your MM is in remission the VA will not increase your disability payment for that. It is service connected but less than 100%. This is where you need to make your Spouse aware of this that if you were to be hospitalized for that she needs to contact a service officer to get it upgraded again. (GR) 7/10/21
A2: Your questions can best be answered by your local DAV and/or VSO. They have the knowledge and I suggest you go to them for help. I hope this helps you. (RC) 7/10/21
A3: Multiple myeloma (MM) is rated under 38 CFR 4.117, Schedule of ratings under Hemic and Lymphatic Systems. MM does not have its own diagnostic code (DC) and is rated w/ an analogous rating meaning something similar to another DC. MM can be rated under lymphoma or leukemia. If the MM is active then you are rated at 100% until 6 months after the treatment is complete and then rated on ongoing active symptoms. This is the very simplified version. (DS) 7/12/21
A4: You can request a hearing to speak to the board, BE SURE to have a DSO be with you don't go alone! (ML) 7/12/21