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Q747: I have been trying searching and trying to locate information on my paperwork when I was in Vietnam. I was airlifted to Camaron Bay hospital. I was to get a Purple Heart for my injury which I survived and the US Army cannot find proof of any paperwork. If someone could give me advice about this information I would appreciate it because it would be more compensation for myself that I really need now? It’s been six years since I started searching and haven’t gotten an answer from the US Army, I would appreciate if someone would contact me to let me know if this is possible.

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A1: I'm not exactly sure what avenues you have already pursued to try and obtain your 201 file but, the first place is to go to NPRC -personnel and make your request there for your 201 file. Secondly, I would send a FOIA request VA Form 20-10206, to the VA regional office and ask for a copy of your C-file. If those two avenues are not fruitful, then ask for the help of your local Congressman. That is your last resort. They can make the NPRC look a little harder and might produce your records. You also did not mention what injury you had that would warrant a Purple Heart. If the injury warrants a Purple Heart then, request a correction of record via a DD 149. That will go to the Dept of the Army and they may find something. Good luck. (DS) 6/28/21
A2: Contact your Congressman ASAP! (JH) 6/28/21
A3: Do you have a copy of your Service Medical Records? They should show your treatment at Camran Bay, which will demonstrate presence in-country during the times of presumed exposure. That should also document the wounds that qualify you for the Purple Heart. If you don't have them, they can be requested from the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC). Your Service Officer can help you with that request. (DJ) 6/28/21
A4: Are your health records with you 214 at ST louis. I did not have purple heart listed on my 1970 discharge but they issued a 215 in 1988 for it. Do you know if others wounded with you, yours may be listed on the same orders as usual for army to put a bunch on one paper? Your units daily reports may have info to. Good luck. (TL) 6/28/21