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Q739: I’m a Vietnam veteran of 21 years of service. 18 years ago, I applied for Agent Orange benefits and was denied. I also have deteriorating bones and type II diabetes. The problem I have is I cannot prove I was in Vietnam as all my military records were stolen while in processing at Ft. Hood, Tex in 1982. What other options do I have to get these benefits?

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A1: That should be an easy one. Did you get paid while there? Check local newspapers for press a release about going to VN. Check w/someone you were there with? Check with the branch you served for morning reports, leaves, daily journals?? You can prove it. Feel free to email me if you have questions. (RH) 6/18/21
A2: VN ended in 1975. I can't make the math work for you to be a VN veteran> However, email me and I'll try to help you - I'm the VSO for a VFW here in Texas. (CB) 6/18/21
A3: Write to Saint Louis, Mo. for a copy of your DD214 and this will prove that you served in Vietnam. Stolen records or not, the Records department has your DD214 and you can request a copy. (GS) 6/18/21
A4: Request your LES for the 13 months that you were in RVN from DFAS. They will have a copy and they will show who you were assigned to and THAT YOU WERE DRAWING COMBAT PAY. (BM) 6/18/21
A5: Since you are retired military DFAS would have all of your pay records get a copy of that and use it for proof of Vietnam Service. (GR) 6/18/21
A6: Request, at a minimum, a copy of your DD-214 from the National Personnel Records Center. So you have a paper trail, I would make that request using a Standard Form 180. Once you submit your claim, they will treat it as a new claim and there will be no back pay. (RD) 6/18/21
A7: Try and provide any statements from the unit you were with while in Vietnam including unit members. (AA) 6/18/21
A8: Get on your computer and print out this form: SF-180. Fill it out with your information and sign it. Mail it back to the address shown. Or, you can do it on line too. That will get you a copy of your DD-214...It's as easy as that. (RA) 6/18/21
A9: Unfortunately, you are not alone. Many veterans lost all their records in the fire of 73 at NPRC. The only other option you might have is to get buddy letters from people that were there with you or someone that you corresponded with while you were there. Maybe some of your children have letters you may have written them or kept some photos you sent them. I would request your records from NPRC again. (DS) 6/18/21
A10: GO to NPRC in St Louis, get your DD 214 and a copy of your records. (AH) 6/18/21
A11: Remember, your DD-214 does not have to say Vietnam or that you were in Nam. However, if you were, it should show that you received the Vietnam Service metal and the Vietnam Campaign ribbon. And, it should also show some foreign service. (JL) 6/19/21
A12: Look at your units "Daily Logs", your name would be logged into the unit roster, published once every month. (JW) 6/18/21
A13: Go see the closest DAV office they will help you. Also look for local veteran service office in your county, they should be able to help you. (GE) 6/21/21