Those That
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Q731: When I was drafted into the Army and received my AIT Training at Fort Sill Oklahoma my ear problem began after training on the 105 holster the ringing in my ears began we had no ear plugs we were told it would go away. Then when I went overseas to Korea I was assigned to a heavy artillery unit and the ringing became louder and it was no big deal this happens to all soldiers it will go away. I have filed a claim for the ringing in my ears and have been turn down. How can I get my claim honored?

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A1: Based on your MOS. It's NOT hard for the VA to approve your tinnitus. Especially NO hearing protection...loss of hearing! (HA) 6/10/21
A2: It is hard to say w/o reading the rating decision (RD). The VA has many specialties listed that are automatic grant for tinnitus. Not to be confused with hearing loss. These are two distinct and separate disabilities. Artillery happens to be one of those specialties that the VA will grant tinnitus for. If it has been more than a year that the RD was issued then, to reopen that claim VA will require new and relevant evidence. If a year has not passed then you can ask for a higher level review. Again, it is impossible to tell you what to do w/o the RD. (DS) 6/10/21
A3: It depends on WHY they turned it down. The WHY will determine how you go about refiling this issue. (RJ) 6/10/21
A4: Get your military records and show that you were assigned to the heavy artillery division and file 20-0985 Supplemental Claim with that proof. (GR) 6/10/21