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Q721: I have a DD 214 / 215 that shows honorably discharged but I never received the formal certificate suitable for framing. Is that something that Is possible to get? Thank you.

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A1: It is called a DD 256. Here are instructions right from the website:
How Do I Get a Copy Of My DD Form 256?
You will receive a DD Form 256, Honorable Discharge Certificate, or a DD Form 257, General Discharge Certificate, when you separate from active duty.
Each branch of the service maintains personnel records for about 5-10 years before sending them to the National Archives. Contact the headquarters of your service branch to request your DD 256 or place an order through the eVetRecs System at the National Archives website.
When you create and file an online Standard Form 180, Request Pertaining to Military Records, you will be given a list of forms to choose from. DD Form 256 is not on that list. You will need to describe your particular case in the comments section and submit the form as usual. (DS) 6/1/21
A2: Unfortunately, the best method i have found is going to halmark or making your own. (RS) 6/1/21