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Q720: I served in USAR 1989 to 2001 and was aged out with Honorable Discharge but VA is unable to find a DD214 for me but sent me my records only. How do I obtain my DD214?

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A1: You would have to have served on active duty in order to have been issued a DD-214. If you were issued one then NPRC should have a copy. If you filed it with the Probate Office when you received it, you can get a copy there. You can also obtain a copy through DPRIS. Your VSO will have access to it. If you were only National Guard, then all there will be is a NG 22 form showing your NG time. I do not know what the Reserves use. What I would do is contact your Reserve HQs in the state you served in and ask them for documentation. The VA owns the NPRC, so if all they sent you is medical records, then they don't usually have it. (DS) 5/25/21