Those That
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Q712: I just read my Military Times online that the House Veterans Affairs Committee will be discussing and possibly voting on adding hypertension ( High Blood Pressure ) to the presumptive list of illnesses caused by Agent Orange. My question is, I filed for hypertension caused by Agent Orange. I am rated 100% permanently because of Agent Orange and know my rating can’t go higher but if hypertension is added would I be entitled to receive back pay from the time my claim was filed but the hypertension was denied?

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A1: I wish someone would verify this question I would like to know I'm in the same boat. (TD) 5/16/21
A2: I have high blood pressure and no feeling in my hands and feet so am going to get agent orange I have hypertension but no one will help me. (LB) 5/16/21
A3: Hypertension was voted down when the VA added the new presumptive diseases. (DO) 5/16/21
A4: I would like to know myself , I was discharged with hypertention in 1966. (GO) 5/16/21
A5: You need to contact an Accredited VSO with the Am Legion, VFW, Am Vets or another Veterans Service Organization. They can advise you of your options. There is nothing higher than 100% except you may qualify for SMC, A&A or the Care Givers program. Also, contact the organization who initially filed your claim that VSO is familiar with your claim. (GH) 5/16/21
A6: I would really like to know that answer myself! I was turned down for that one years ago. (BG) 5/16/21
A7: I believe they will only pay back to the date the Bill was signed into law. (RJ) 5/17/21
A8: Senate leaders are meeting this week on just this issue and several more disabilities that could be presumed as service connected if you served overseas in certain areas. Usually, when a new presumptive is added, the VA will go back and see what the earliest treatment for the disability was and use that date. Normally, I said. Remember, this is the VA and it will depend on how the law is written. If you previously filed for the disability, the VA normally goes back to the date of that claim. HTN is rated on how well your blood pressure is controlled while on your BP medicine. Normally, the HTN rating is 0%. The importance here is that HTN can cause a plethora of other life ending diseases and, once you are SC for the HTN, then anything the HTN caused, or contributed too, can be SC on a secondary basis. (DS) 5/17/21
A9: I would love to know how you managed a 100% rating with Agent Orange. I have fought for 60% and can't seem to move past that. I would appreciate you sharing if you feel comfortable in doing so. Very much appreciated. (BK) 5/17/21
A10: Yes. If you filed for service connection for anything and was turned down by the VBA, if Congress later makes it a presumptive then you'll need to refile with the previous denial noted. If approved, the VA must pay back to the effective date of the first denial. (TB) 5/17/21