Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q707: I was Honorably Discharged in Nov 1971. I had (4 years and 5) months active duty all overseas. Had a re-enlistment code of RE-R1 the highest you can get. No jobs, so tried to re-enlist and went to Richmond, VA for physical. Nerves, so bad Blood Pressure was so high, denied. Keep me overnight in hotel and next day blood pressure again so high denied re-enlistment. Also was an E-5 rating. How can I prove this FACT? Submitted enrollment papers to VA Medical Center in Hampton, VA this week. Thanks for the help!

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A1: What facts do you need to "prove"? Your Honorable active service, including your rate/rank, are documented on your DD-214. When you attempted to re-enlist, they should have given you documents explaining why you were denied. If you don't still have them, contact the facility that gave you the exam, and see if they are still on file. (DJ) 5/1/21