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Q705: My VA hospital does not have enough handicap parking spots for veterans. Who do I contact to get more handicap parking spots near the front of the VA hospital? I am sick of seeing so many veterans wobble from far areas of the VA parking lot.

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A1: I really don't think it would help much. Face it, the vast majority of people using that parking lot are disabled vets. You could make the whole parking lot 'disabled', and still some disabled vet has to park way out in the woods. We need those little vans like they have at airports. ---Give some disabled vet a job driving those things. (JM) 4/28/21
A2: On issues with the physical facilities at a VA Hospital, first contact is either the Facilities Manager or the Hospital Director. Their contact info should be on the Hospital's website. There is usually also a Patient Ombudsman who can point you in the right direction. (DJ) 4/28/21