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Q701: Currently I'm considered 80% disabled by the VA but I've been unsuccessful in moving that to 100% disability. Though I'm nearing 70 years of age I'm still having to work while I am still in pain from my diabetes as a result of Agent Orange. I went through one set of attorneys and they were unsuccessful and I'm looking for any other directions I can go. Would appreciate any help.

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A1: I'm not clear as to if he is trying either for an IU and paid at the rate of a 100% or if he is trying to get an increase in percentage and raised to 100%. Seems to me going to an IU would be the most efficient and expediate way to go - especially due to his age and health. (LG) 4/27/21
A2: I used Woods and Woods and they were amazing. They won't take every case but they're worth trying. They got me from 70% to 100% total and permanent as well as an additional payment. You only pay if they win and they'll take a percentage from your pack pay. It's stressful and be a long road but don't give up. Especially with Agent Orange. You deserve more than 100% my friend. Bless you. (BD) 4/27/21
A3: Hire Leslie Dean she know how and positive result. (RT) 4/27/21
A4: Cut through all the garbage and ask that your case be heard by the board of veterans appeals BVA they hate lawyers. (RM) 4/27/21
A5: I had a similar problem for years. In 2006 I was demied UI at 90% with the snarky reply that being unemployed was not the same thing as being unemployable. Was rated for three additional conditions and got to 92.5%, but just couldn`t get that last half percent. Finally in 2010, with my wife retiring and things looking bleak, I confided in my personal physician. He wrote a letter saying: "my patient has been disabled and unable to work for many years." I submitted that as an new claim, (the 2006 apeal having expired). This caused an investigation into the 2006 rating. It took a year, but I was rated 100% IU, permanent an back dated to 2006 as of june 2011. Discuss with a Veteran's Service Officer and file a new claim. (WC) 4/27/21
A6: Have you chocked into IU? If two or is mote added to 60% you can apply for IU, it pays at 100%. (ML) 4/27/21
A7: You can file for unemployability and that will boost you to 100% pay while still being rated at 80%. I am rated at 70% and and being paid 100% P/T for unemployability. With that you will get dental and military base commissary privileges. All the other medical benefits don't change. (RI) 4/28/21