Those That
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Q697: The VA set up three appointments for me, all of them for my service-connected disabilities. I have been 70% disabled for over 15 years for three service-connected disabilities. I am over 55 years. Why would VA schedule me for a reevaluation now? I’ve been told by other veterans the VA is starting to re-evaluate a lot of veterans so they can decrease the disability compensation budget. Is that true?

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A1: The average VA disability is reevaluated every 5 years on average.
You got lucky when they missed you. If and when the disabilities are declared Permanent and Total, then you will not have future evals.
Tell all of your veteran buddies they know not of which they speak. The VA is not looking to decrease the Compensation budget. If anything, the VA has a larger budget than ever. Relax. If your disabilities have not changed, your claim will not change. (RJ) 4/21/21
A2: They are coming for all of us. Making us relive the Death and Destruction that the Vietnam war had on many of us. It will not matter how bad we are mentally and physically, we are now Hated just for doing our job. I don't even think they ever declared Vietnam was a war. I remember getting of the plane in San Francisco, (1969) and having people spitting on us and throwing trash at us, and calling us Baby Killers. Then getting off the plane in MA, and having my Father throw his coat over my uniform. No wonder I stayed drunk for the last fifty (50) years. I now believe they are coming for us, one way or another. Sometimes I firmly believe a lot of this is Communist's backed. Countries have said in the past, they will get us from within. (PG) 4/21/21
A3: That is unusual for the VA to schedule you for three separate C&P exams after being SC for 15 years. Normally, if you are over 55, the VA would exempt you from a reevaluation unless warranted by some other situation. Periodically, the VA reviews medical records and if they notice there has been no treatment for the chronic SC conditions, I have seen them schedule exams or propose a reduction. Contrary, I have never seen them propose an increase after reviewing your medical records. VA does reserve the right to reexamine veterans to see if they are rated correctly. The are situations in which they won't arbitrarily schedule you reevaluations. If you've held the individual rating for 20 years or more, are 100% P&T, or are TDIU, VA won't mess with you. unless you reopen a claim for something, then you are no longer considered P&T. (DS) 4/21/21
A4: 100% true. I'm at 70% and had a surgery not even associated with my injury from active duty. I just got a letter telling me that I'm being dropped from 70% to 40%. I can barely walk. I just got a lawyer. (RJ) 4/28/21