Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q696: On March 2, 2021, I retired from my job of 32 years working as a butcher at our local Kroger supermarket. I had to retire sooner than I wanted because I could no longer stand up for 10+ hours a day. I will start getting my Kroger pension in the next 30 days. Also, I am 40% disabled by the VA for lower back problems. I want to apply for SSDI because my service-connected injury is the main reason I had to retire early, and my depression is the second reason I had to leave my job. A buddy told me I should put in for SSDI for depression and I would get it. My question is this, can I receive my Kroger pension, my VA disability compensation and SSDI all at the same time? I’m only 61 years-old and don’t qualify for regular Social Security Benefits.

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A1: Contact Edgar Garcia You will find all of your answers here. I highly recommend No BS, just facts and guidance. (RD) 4/15/21
A2: The short answer is "yes you can draw all three." SSDI does not consider other incomes. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) does count other income. SSI is for people too disabled to work and don't have enough work credits to qualify for SSDI. SSDI pays you at the 65 year old rate whatever your age is prior to attaining the age of 65. If I was your VSO, I would recommend you apply for the SSDI. SSDI considers everything wrong with you that prevents you from working. If you had to quit working due to your back and depression but are not SC for depression, I would file for SC for depression secondary to your SC back (if that is why you have a diagnosis of depression). Along with this, I would file for TDIU because your back and depression (if related to your back) prevents you from obtaining or maintaining gainful employment. VA only considers your SC disabilities when considering TDIU and social security considers all disabilities preventing you from working. VA will call in your social security records to see why you are on SSDI. If something major is one of the reasons you can't work, then you likely will be denied because of that. (DS) 4/15/21
A3: I think it depends on what state you live in, but I receive all three and it's been over 15 years. (GD) 4/15/21
A4: Yes! (FP) 4/15/21
A5: I would encourage you to apply. You can't date the prom queen if you don't ask her out. (RJ) 4/15/21