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Q680: My dad who is 85 served in California National Guard for 6 years and was only called up once for the Watts Riots of 1965 for a week. Is he eligible for any health benefits under the existing rules? The reason I am asking is that he currently needs in-home care.

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A1: Check with the VA hospital where Dad lives and see what benefits he could be eligible for. You need to have a Doctor fill out the Aid and Attendance form and submit that to the VA. (GR) 3/6/21
A2: Your father, a former member of the National Guard, must have been called to active duty by a federal order and completed the full period for which he was called or ordered to active duty. If he had active-duty status for training purposes only, he won't qualify for VA health care. If he needs in-home health care, he should contact his private physician and seek assistance through his Medicare benefits. To be absolutely sure, you can complete a VA Form 10-10ez and submit it, along with his DD-214, to the closest VA health care facility's eligibility section, who will make the determination. (DS) 3/8/21
A3: Yes he could be eligible. Contact an Accredited VSO with the VFW, Am Legion, DAV, Am Vets or another Veterans Service Organization. Take his NGB-22s and a DD-214 if he has one. A VSO can guide him through the system. He could be eligible for compensation and that would make him automatically eligible for VA Health Care. Listening to Stockade Lawyers does not help. (GH) 3/8/21
A4: If he was in the guard for many years,he must have had weekend duty once a month. I think the rule says 30 days active duty will qualify him. Better yet, call 1-800-827-1000. Ask whatever, you will get answers. Good luck! (EA) 3/8/21