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Q679: My dilemma is I have no records of my injuries while in service. I had many ankle, back, shoulder, elbow and knee injuries when I was in the Army, but I never reported them to anyone. I was on the fast track to promotions and did not want to complain about my injuries. Fast forward 30 years and my ankles, knees and back are shot. How can I prove my injuries started in the Army?

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A1: This could be a little difficult to prove unless it was noted on your discharge physical. Now on the other hand if you were a paratrooper these are easier to prove and get service connected for these injuries. (GR) 3/6/21
A2: In filing your claim explain the type of work that was required by your MOS. The length of time and duty assignments combined would serve as a tool for substantiation. Seek the help of an experienced service officer at a veteran's organization such as VFW, Am. Legion, DAV and the like. File and follow up. be sure to provide recent medical diagnosis with physician statement agreeing to your perspective. Gook Luck! If you get declined and you feel justified the file protest claim. Be aware of the response times restrictions as the final approval awards benefits from the date of the first claim if you have not exceed the allowed time for refiling. (GC) 3/6/21
A3: Fast tracking your career at the cost of your health was the wrong choice overall. Without a paper trail to prove your allegations, you will have to rely on "Buddy Statements," or testimony provided by service comrades who can verify your claim, assuming you made friends along the way. You have to do all the legwork now, but track them down via the net, visit and/or join veteran sites and post messages in your search, TWS/Army is a good start. Good luck! (LM) 3/6/21
A4: Did you ever see a Doctor any anytime during your stint in the service? If not, you will have a hard time proving anything to the VA. Did you go see a private doctor during your time in the Army? If not, then good luck proving anything that happened back then. Did the job you had cause any injuries to anyone else in your unit? Were you sent to any other Army bases during your time in the Army. Did you serve in any wars? That is all that I have for you. Good luck and Semper Fi ! brother. (GS) 3/6/21
A5: You need to take your DD-214 to an Accredited VSO with the Am Legion, VFW, Am Vets, DAV or another Veterans Service Organization. They can advise you on the proper path to take in obtaining your Military Medical Records. You will be surprised what the records can contain. Remember VSOs cost nothing, they understand the system. (GH) 3/8/21
A6: Do you are you in contact with anyone in the Military that you had complained to about your injury's? Then ask for a Buddy letter (a example can be obtained online). "Example of Veteran Buddy Letter" (SS) 3/9/21
A7: You will need medical records right after service of continuing care for your injuries and a doctors statement that your injuries are related to your time in service. Please let me know if you have any other questions. (TH) 3/9/21