Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q675: I have multiple service connected disabilities for 100% but nothing higher than 40%. I now have additional items that are unclaimed but, would be service connected. Should I submit these claims? Is there any benefit in doing so? My VSO says if I file a claim I run the risk of having some ratings reduced. Is my VSO just trying to get out of some work? Should I apply for these new disabilities? Thank you for your attention.

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A1: I agree with your VSO. (RC) 3/2/21
A2: If you really do have service-connected injuries, you should file. If your VSO won't do it, go to the American Legion or VFW representative's office(s) which are located at the VA. The only reason a disability would be reduced is if you aren't disabled with whatever you were already rated at; if you were falsely rated or are now healed. (CG) 3/2/21
A3: You're already 100% total...can't get paid fore more than 100%. Yes you can risk of having a reduction, why risk it? (BO) 3/2/21
A4: If your present service connected disabilities are legit then filing another claim for other possible disabilities will not be a problem. You'll find that many VSO's don't want to bother with the paperwork; which is a disservice to us all. The important thing to remember is this, if you have other possible service connected disabilities, you need to get them on the books; even though you don't receive more compensation - unless you qualify for the SMC program. My advise it to file your own claim through if the VSO doesn't want to do their job. (TB) 3/2/21
A5: There is always a chance that your benefits/comp can be reduced at any time through a CMP. However if you feel solid in your ability or VA judgment anything you can add will backup the reduction IF and when they do reduce you. Wish I had better news but that's been what I've come across as a Post Service Officer. Best wishes! (ML) 3/2/21
A6: Contact an Accredited VSO with the Am Legion, VFW, Am Vets, DAV or another Veterans Service Organization. They can advise you on your current compensation. Never listen to Stockade Lawyers as they have never filed a claim except their own and most of the time a VSO has to straighten it out. There are pluses and minuses regarding your situation. Your VSO has given you some good advice. You need to sit down with him/her and discuss your situation. You can also get a second opinion from another VSO. VSOs can even recommend another for a second opinion. Yes you can be reduced by a C&P that the VA directs when you file a claim. (GH) 3/8/21