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Q672: How do I get a record of my file pertaining to my claims I filed with the VA for Disability Compensation? I have my file claim #.

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A1: Do a 21-4138 and fax it to the VA to request your C file. This might take 6 months. (GR) 3/1/21
A2: The only way to get a copy of this information is to request a copy of you C-file from the VA Regional Office. You can make the request on a VA Form 21-4138 and mail to the Evidence Intake Center. Mail to: DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS, CLAIMS INTAKE CENTER, PO BOX 4444, JANESVILLE, WI 53547-4444. This request is considered a Freedom of Information Act request and will be processed by the FOIA team. You will more than likely receive your C-file on a CD. These FOIA requests sometimes take several months to receive. Be patient. (DS) 3/1/21
A3: The quickest way to get a C- File is to contact the VSO who has your POA and request the file. If you don't have a VSO I recommend you contact an Accredited VSO with the Am Legion, DAV, VFW, Am Vets or another Veterans Service Organization. Never try to deal with the VA yourself. A VSO costs you nothing and they are familiar with VA requirements. (GH) 3/1/21