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Q667: I am a veteran living in Israel and I've been diagnosed as 100% disabled. Does that qualify me for disability assistance from the VA?

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A1: Were you diagnosed as 100% disabled by the Israeli government or the United States government? If it was the Israeli government, you'll have to file a disability/compensation claim against the Israeli government. If you were diagnosed as 100% by the U.S. then your disability claim would be filed against the U.S. government for compensation...Two Different countries....Two Different Claims. (RA) 2/22/21
A2: I am not sure what you mean by "disability assistance" from the VA. You can receive compensation from the VA and they will not charge you for the currency conversion to send direct deposit to you. You could also receive medical treatment for your service connected disabilities. You would need to enroll in the Foreign Medical Program (FMP). For more information on VA benefits abroad visit this link: (DS) 2/22/21
A3: To receive compensation from the VA for disabilities, you must be evaluated by the VA and your disabilities rated by them as service-connected. Being considered as 100% disabled in the civilian world does not necessarily mean any of those disabilities are considered connected to your military service, let alone enough for the VA to pay you at the 100% rate.
Please note - I am *not* saying you are not 100% disabled. Just that the VA has a different set of rules. (HW) 2/22/21
A4: The answer to your question is no, the VA has their own evaluation system and their ratings may differ from a private doctor. You need to contact the VA and open a claims case. (JD) 2/22/21