Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q664: What can we do about VA rating system? Who do we call and why is the VA always finding ways to short change Vets who served and deserve?

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A1: No reason for the time. I have been waiting over 5 years for a hearing on my appeal. Now my problem is recognized as a presumptive condition and I still have not heard a thing about it. (JC) 2/16/21
A2: Take the Military Medical Form and read it, schedule the Com & Pen exam as a verifier of the Medical Record, not a gotcha to lessen the VA Disability. (RW) 2/16/21
A3: Like all federal programs, you would need to file your complaint with your Congressional representative. (RJ) 2/16/21
A4: Give Vietnam Vets benefits for damage caused by Agent Orange, numerous conditions are not covered but it's still killing us. Any condition Dr's cannot diagnose like many skin diseases. (RB) 2/16/21
A5: We were able to get info to President Trump and we felt that things were being done for Veterans. Joe Biden has never truly cared about Veterans. Also - the VA seems to work hard to find any way to deny claims. I have been totally unable to get copies of my medical records. Without them I was unable to pursue a previous claim. I still do not have my medical records. Asking for an upgrade in my current disability has not been possible for some reason. My wife and I have moved to Baltimore from Orlando, FL and my records have not been moved as yet. Don't know who to contact. Will plan to visit the VA in Baltimore as soon as I receive the 2nd. COVID-19 shot. (FA) 2/16/21
A6: I do not know the root of your questions. However I would advise you to make an appointment with an Accredited Veterans Service Officer with the Am Legion, Am Vets, DAV, VFW or another Veterans Service Organization. Take along copies of your award letters and decision letters from the VA. An Accredited VSO can explain how the VA rates, how to submit a Fully Developed Claim to support your claim. They can explain new and material evidence as it pertains to a review of a denial. A lot of veterans short change themselves by submitting the claim themselves without the knowledge of the system. Also to many listen to the Stockade Lawyer with his knowledge about everything. Remember the VSO is free of charge. They are your representative to the VA regarding your claim. (GH) 2/16/21