Those That
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Q661: I have been rated a 10% service connected disability since the early 90's. I did not serve 1 complete year but did complete Basic Training and some AIT Training. I served approximately 8 months in the Regular Army. I have been told that I should be receiving a cash benefit as I have been rated at 10%. How do I find out if this is in fact true? How can I collect these funds? Thank you for taking the time to help me.

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A1: Best to contact the V. A. directly either in person if possible or by phone. They are the decision makers not anyone else. If you are rated at 10% then you should be receiving compensation. You can go online to the V. A. website and there is a payment table for 2021 showing what monthly amount you should be receiving. If married you will receive more. If you have never received any payments you very well may be entitled to back pay from the time you were granted a rating! Don't trust hear say contact the V. A. directly! (RR) 2/9/21
A2: Contact your nearest VBA. (MA) 2/9/21
A3: The amount of time you served is irrelevant when it comes to service connected (SC) disabilities. If you were indeed 10% SC you would have been receiving money for your disability. Now, if you received disability severance pay, the VA will withhold your compensation until the debt is payed bac to the VA. If you disappeared after your award letter and VA couldn't locate you they would stop payment. Your best bet is to call 800-827-1000 and ask them. The other option is to obtain an accredited service officer and assign POA to them and they can find out what's going on. (DS) 2/9/21
A4: Contact the VA by calling 800-827-1000 and you can find out about your disability payment. (GR) 2/9/21
A5: Hello Veteran, thank you for your service! A service connected 10% rating is compensable and will reflect on your award letter. If you are not receiving the funds please contact VA customer service at 800-827-1000. (JS) 2/9/21
A6: As long as you served 30+ days active duty, you qualify. Call 1-800-827-1000. Ask and they will answer and point you in the right direction. Never give up, you earned it! Good luck! (EA) 2/9/21
A7: You need to contact an Accredited VSO with the DAV, VFW, Am Vets, Am Legion or another Veterans Service Organization. Take a copy of your DD-214, military health records and documents showing your 10% rating. The VSO can assist you in filing for compensation. If you were discharged for an injury or aggravation of a condition that was deemed EPTS (existed prior to term of service) the VSO will assist you. Sometimes a DD-214 will have a C number which denotes a compensateable injury. (GH) 2/11/21
A8: If you were injured during your basic and AIT and you filed for service connected compensation for that injury w/ the VA and they rated you at 10%, then you should be receiving disability compensation. You can call the VA at 800-827-1000 and they can tell you. You can also seek out an accredited Veteran Service Officer (not sure where you live) and they can check for you. If you never filed for compensation and you have a disability related to you basic and AIT, they can help you file your VA claim. (DS) 1/31/23