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Q658: I’m a Vietnam vet. Several years ago I was denied unemployability by the VA. Since then over the years my health conditions have gotten worse. Like being Diagnose with prostate and liver cancer. Should I try again to see if I am now eligible for unemployability?

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A1: You do not say what your percentage of disability is. There are two requirements for IU. 60% for one disability or 70% with two disabilities and one disability rated at 40%. With prostate cancer, and served in Vietnam that is a disability your can file for. (GR) 2/7/21
A2: I would. The disease process of cancer would fall under Agent Orange symptoms. They also would stop or hinder your ability to work so it might fall under your disability claim. If you haven't been working and don't feel as though you can go back see your VSO and apply. (BC) 2/7/21
A3: If you have new or additional supporting evidence yes you should submit again. (LG) 2/7/21
A4: Yes. You will need supporting medical records and letters from your doctors supporting inability to work. Good luck. (JC) 2/7/21
A5: It never hurts to ask. Your a Veteran! (DR) 2/7/21
A6: I would say "Yes." But you might want to check with your CVSO first. If you used a "Private" out of the VA doctor I would also suggest you get the medical records showing the diagnosis. I did this for my husband on previous claims and took the records to our CVSO. Hope this helps. (DE) 2/7/21
A7: Absolutely u need to apply and stay on top of everything that u need or so . Good luck brother. (SG) 2/7/21
A8: All the answers provided so far are good. Just remember the you will need to proof that you can't work because of one or more service connected disabilities. (JL) 2/8/21
A9: Get your old rating decision (RD) in which you were denied TDIU. VA tells you why they denied you. You will need new & relevant evidence to reapply for TDIU on a VA Form 20-0995. Age is not a factor for consideration of a grant for TDIU. When you originally filed for TDIU, did you file for social security disability? When you ask for TDIU, you are telling the VA you are unable to obtain or maintain gainful employment due to your service connected disabilities. VA is also required to look at your history of employment: what you did and how long you did whatever you were doing. For instance, if you worked construction for you whole life and and are unable to do that anymore due to your disabilities, then you would file for TDIU. Sometimes the VA will deny saying you can do sedentary jobs. Well, you are not qualified for sedentary jobs and do not have the education for it. In this case, do a notice of disagreement. You might also as whomever is treating you for you disabilities, if they feel if you should work or not. Often times they will provide a letter saying that it is in the best interest of your health not to work. (DS) 2/8/21
A10: Yes reapply for it have your VSO reapply for unemployable both cancers are on the list. If possible have your PCP write a letter stating that the cancer could have been related to Agent Orange. (ML) 2/8/21
A11: Yes! No one gets approved the first time. Keep trying, never give up and if you have any questions, call 1-800-827-1000. Good luck!! (EA) 2/9/21