Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q646: I am a 100% Vietnam veteran disabled with PTSD, tinnitus and Ischemic heart disease. I filed in July 2006 for bladder and prostate cancer. I was denied for both. I also put in for incontinence with SMC and was denied. Now that recent legislation recognizes bladder cancer as an Agent Orange exposure disability, do I have to refile for compensation? Or, will the VA go back into their records for retro benefits for me?

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A1: I don't understand how you could have been denied SC for prostate cancer unless it had metastasized from your bladder cancer. At any rate, You can refile on a VA Form 20-0995 for service connection for the bladder cancer. If the prostate cancer was due to the bladder cancer, then file secondary to the bladder cancer. If there are residuals, like inconsonance, the file secondary to the bladder cancer or prostate cancer. When veterans are already 100%, we don't normally mess with the VA except in situations where the new disability could cause the veteran's death. We always want to protect the spouse in the event the veteran passes. (DS) 1/20/21
A2: You'll need to refile with an eye on the effective date of your first filing. (TB) 1/20/21
A3: Ur claim must be renewed every. Year to be retro active. (VS) 1/20/21
A4: Since you were awarded compensation for Ischemic Heart Disease, why was the prostate cancer denied. File a 20-0995 for the bladder cancer. (GR) 1/20/21
A5: You need to reactivate your claims-they will need your current status. Don't sit on it - reach out to a VSO or claims dept at VA. (DW) 1/20/21
A6: Don't wait another minute. If you think you are entitled to reconsideration then file your claim. VA will take evaluate ii. But, you have to take the initiative and send in the claim. Just because they "can" review it on their own accord doesn't mean they "will." Just look at how far behind they are with submitted claims. I doubt if they have enough staff to review closed cases. If you have a chance to get retro active compensation, Only You can claim it. Your dependents and decedents cannot initiate claims on your behalf. Do it now or talk to a service officer at a Veteran's Organization for help. (GC) 1/20/21
A7: You can file to reopen your claim from July 2006. (GD) 1/20/21