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Q643: The media is putting out information on qualifications for getting the COVID-19 vaccinations. I know there are categories and guidelines. They also say there are underlying conditions that can alter the various groups. My local V.A. is currently offering them. I called them to see if I could get one & they said only for 75 & above. I said I am turning 74 in a couple weeks, but the V.A. is treating me for various respiratory issues & I have shortness of breath. They are also treating me with Humyra injections, and the Dr. warned me it does lower my health resistance. The lady said I understand, but we are only taking 75 and above. I guess underlying conditions does not apply to the V.A. Do my underlying conditions make me priority eligible for a vaccination shot?

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A1: Well, let's face it: EVERYONE who is dealing with the VA has some sort of disability or they would not be dealing with the VA medical team, right? So, putting the disabled at the head of the line at the VA hospital is sort of silly. They need some other way to sort the priorities, and age is just about all they have left. (JM) 1/16/21
A2: We do not have a national plan for administering the vaccine just like we did not not have a national plan for adverting this crisis in the beginning. As far as I can determine there is no cost to receiving this vaccine so you do not have to go to the VA to receive it. Just be sure you get the vaccine according to protocol which for Pfizer & Moderna is a followup vaccination 3-4 weeks after the initial vaccination. The general approach for receiving the vaccine is anyone 65 and older and those with underlying health conditions. Distribution nationwide is uneven. West Virginia has an abundance of supply and California has inadequate supply. Good luck to you and stay safe. (JD) 1/16/21
A3: Everyone at the VA has some sort of underlying condition or they wouldn't be there. So they are probably going by age instead. (SP) 1/16/21
A4: I would think that you should be eligible to get the vaccine for your risk factor. I also know that they may be experiencing shortages. I think once the new administration gets sworn in we will be noticing a much better governance.
On a side note, I also have COPD and other issues at 60 yrs old and I emailed my Primary team and told them I have been getting tested and had my flu shot at the Hy-Vee grocery store across the street and wondered if I could get the Covid-19 Vaccine. I got an email telling me to ask Hy-Vee. Believe me I already knew they didn't have any and didn't know if they ever would. (MK) 1/16/21
A5: TheSt. Louis VA has the vaccine. I am scheduled for next week. I am also100 p&t and 73 yrs old. (DB) 1/16/21
A6: I have been trying for weeks to get a vaccine with no success. I am a health care provider in private practice so I am not under the umbrella of a hospital/agency that will ensure that I get the vaccine. I am also a veteran who is 66 years old with diabetes, heart disease, liver and kidney issues. I thought that today would be the day that I would be able to get the vaccine but I just received a message from a friend that they aren't giving out any more shots today. Others say that although they are told they have an appointment that when they arrive they are standing in line with others who don't have an appointment and have to wait their turn with everyone else. That defeats the purpose of having an appointment. I have been on every site that I can to sign up and try to schedule an appointment. I have concluded that the only way I stand a chance of getting the shot is to wait until my Primary Care Provider is making them available. I understand that it is frustrating for everyone trying to get the vaccine. There had to be a better way to manage the distribution. (BR) 1/16/21
A7: You may want to talk to your VA doctor. Your doctor may be able to get you prioritized. Also, there should be places other than the VA where you can get the vaccine. Every place is different.. some VA hospitals are giving shots to elderly and those with underlying problems like yours. (RC) 1/16/21
A8: He guidelines for this vaccine re confusing CDC says one the State Governors o another as far as the V.A. goes, I am 77, have all the underlying medical conditions and I have not heard from the VA when I can get. So just hang in there and they will eventually get to you. (GR) 1/16/21
A9: I am 74.6 old and 100%. Have lung problems due to gov. asbestos exposure, Heart disease, 40 lbs over weight due to covid lockdown and live in Colorado Springs Co . The Denver va Hospital, 70 miles from me received the vaccine the 1st of dec and I get no information from them on the va web site on line. My Dr at the local va clinic told me he has no info. Our colorado Gov was on the news last night and said the state was told colorado was getting 300,000 doses last week, but only recieved 30,000 he said they lied to him. Have tried to call every where that might be able to help me and all I got was put your name on the list for an appointment and check your Email every day. So far nada. Since when does the state control the va vaccines? (BW) 1/16/21
A10: My VA, KCMO VA Hospital, doesn't make anything clear about who should get the vaccine first. I have pretty much the same problems you have but, "No Vaccine For Me Either." All Veterans should be able to get the shot, I don't get it at all. Why can't they set up Vaccine Shots everyday and stop the BS? I'm almost 72 and we as Veterans, apparently don't count. Maybe some calls from attorneys would spark their butts. (CS) 1/16/21