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Q640: Currently I am going through a MED Board for the Army after 16 years. I have been diagnosed with numerous of the presumptive conditions for Gulf War Syndrome along with dercums disease. Has there been any link or further information with research linking dercums disease to overseas service?

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A1: I would suggest asking a VSO or DAV, or even the VA so you get the correct answer. They have all the references and can assist you. (RC) 1/13/21
A2: I clicked on the Dercums disease and the link that I found describe it as fatty tissues that can be very painful and the VA does recognize it now getting it service connected is the next step. File a claim on 21-526ez and add constant pain from this disease. There are several undiagnosed illness listed on the Gulf War Syndrome that you could also claim and when it comes to joint pain list each joint that is affected. Like right elbow, right shoulder and so on. (GR) 1/13/21
A3: I have not heard of anything linking dercum's disease to any overseas service, to include Gulf War service. What I would recommend is for you to include this on your VA claim that you will be filing when you separate from the military. Even if the VA denies the dercum's disease, it be on your list of disabilities not service connected. If, at a later date, dercum's disease is added to the list of disabilities related to the Gulf War illnesses, they have a date that they can retroactively award benefits. Since you have been diagnosed while on active duty, dercum's disease should be service connected on a direct basic. (DS) 1/14/21