Those That
Fort McClellan, Alabama
- Mustard Gas Agent
Redstone Arsenal, Alabama
- PCBs
- Heavy metals
Brunswick NAS, Maine
A study is under way to determine contaminants and their migration habits.
Lakehurst Naval Air Engineering Center, New Jersey (highly contaminated)
- Tetraethyl lead
- Nitronomine (Carcinogen)
- Aniline
- Furfural (toxic by ingestion, inhalation, or skin absorption)
- Ferric Chloride Solution
- Hydraulic fluids
- Asbestos
- Cutting Oils
- Solvents
- Heavy metals
- Ordnance shells
- Gas-loaded projectiles
- Phosgene
- Phosphorus
- Mustard agent
Moffett Field NAS, California
- Volatile organic compounds
Whidbey Island NAS, Washington
- Waste oil
- Solvents
- Jet fuel
China Lake, California
- Jet fuel
Indian Head NOS, Maryland
- Jet fuel
Jacksonville NAS, Florida
- Jet fuel
Miramar NAS, California
- Research continues at this location
Pabmont River NAS, Maryland
- Research continues at this location
Roosevelt Roads NS, Puerto Rico
- Strong indications of contamination, but all studies have been terminated.

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