Those That
Contaminated Military Installations & Dangerous Chemicals Making Veterans Sick
Michelle Bowie, 11/15/21
I served an entire 4 years at Griffisss AFB in Rome NY. 1983 - 1987. I had all sorts of gastric problems, nausea, vomiting,etc after getitng there. That's not to meniton all the exposure without safety gear to chemicals we had to use to do our job. Only recently found out about the toxic water and that it is connected to my thyroid problems along with apparently a host of other ailments .
Gina Rider, 7/5/20
I did live on the base at George AFB, California...I also worked there in Civil Service. I have had cancer and am wondering who I should talk to? Thank you.
Adrian Perry, 4/17/20
I sure hope they do a better job of finding out could be affected than they did with Agent Orange victims. Not bad for me as it only took 30 years to get the correct action on my exposure. I have a bunch of the conditions related to exposure to AO. Or I believe they say presumptive exposure to the chemical. I even sent them pictures that I had and at the time I had no idea I was taking pictures of a lot of 55 gallon coffins.
Beatrice Marshall, 1/19/20
Why is it a problem for the VA to recognize the mustard gas at fort McClellan, Alabama. I have put in claim and was denied because no doctor notes in military records. There are latent symptoms after leaving service. Healthy when I went in ,not healthy during and after service. THIS IS UNFAIR!
Allen Williams, 1/19/20
Don't forget Erhac AB, Turkey (Air Force) contaminated water supply, JP-4 (Jet Fuel) in drinking and bathing water during 1978 and 1979.
Linda Scott, 1/19/20
Put Whiteman afb on your list. I had to use a lot of nasty chemicals to keep the parts clean without gloves or face masks.
Dennis Kraft, 11/28/19
What about the contamination of water and grounds at Army, Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland? I was stationed their in the early 1970s.
David Barlow, 9/11/19
I was on Guam in the Navy from May 1966 to September 1968. During that time, and through 1970, they had agent orange in the water supply. I have a very rare skin disease because of it.
Terry Buscher, 8/30/19
What about gitmo Cuba or NAS Norfolk VA?
Douglas Dahlke, 8/30/19
Interesting that Hanford Site in Richland, WA isn't mention as the place where spent submarine reactor cores are buried. It's been decommissioned, but the reactors were buried there for some time.
Anton Robinson, 8/21/19
All the 'politically correct comments', screw that! The VA is full of crap! Anyone knows that was onboard any old CVA type carrier was exposed to JP4 in the showers, in the food,... everywhere. Specifically the USS Ranger. Take an ice cold shower and you are covered with JP4 let alone the smell in the water. But does the VA recognize that fact...HELL NO!
Paul Willis, 8/18/19
I was stationed at at fort Lewis and redstone arsenal in the early 80's, also 3rd ad Ray barricks in Germany, we were in German ww1 barricks. I heard that there was asbestos used as insulation in the barricks, what are the chances of getting cancer from this?
James Greer, 8/18/19
What about Fort Sheridan, Ill. I was stationed ther in 1969 to 1970.
Arnaldo Soto, 8/17/19
I was in Fort Dix twice, but in the Gulf War theater it was where there was the most pollution and there I was.
Wayne Johnson, 8/17/19
Check out Ft Devens Moore Army Airfield. Place is crawling with contamination. Jet fuel, chlorine, drycleans fluids .
Henry Grau, 8/17/19
Stationed a Maguire AFB which joins Fort Dix now Dix Maguire so did I spend time in a contaminated environment?
Mike Plover, 8/17/19
It has been proven that agent orange was used on the island of Guam during Vietnam, they used it to control the foliage but I have not seen anything about the affects of the chemical on the men and women stationed there. I spent an 18 month tour on the USS Proteus AS19. Many sailors were volunteered to fight a large fire on that island which was located right in the middle of this foliage, and I cannot prove that fire was a cause of my medical problems but it sure leans that way. I have not heard one mention of Guam. All feedback is welcomed.
Joyce B. Manes, 8/17/19
So why doesn't VA recognize the conditions women have from all the chemicals produced in Anniston, AL (Ft McClellan)? Claims get filed but VA claims they don't qualify!
William Deskins, 7/12/19
Fort Ord California the most contaminated base it is closed now check it out on the epa site.
Patrick Moonan, 6/21/19
Do to toxic environment of the military all cancers should be presumptive .
Timothy McIntosh, 6/20/19
Was stationed at NAS Miramar cal.from 1976 thru 1978 in squadron VF-191. Also would like to know how jet fuel and fumes could affect a person working around it long term.
Ralph Gibbs, 6/20/19
I was employed at Robins AFB in Warner Robins, Ga. in 1957 in the propeller overhaul shop where the heating elements were applied to the propellers prior to enlisting in the Navy. I was also stationed at NAS Jacksonville, Fla. in 1961.
John Radakovitz, 6/20/19
Stationed at Moffet field 1961. Worked on the aircraft. Washing and wiping down with turco and other chemicals.
Antonio Stancil, 6/20/19
What about ammunition sites CONUS and OCONUS? And ammunition boxes and cans that was said to be coated with PCB?
Mary Taylor, 6/7/19
Don't forget Wurtsmith AFB in Michigan now closed but contamination is proved to be there once studies are done Right now state and Air Force are squabbling about who is responsible for further testing.
Bernard James, 4/29/19
So what now? One will have to prove that conditions were caused by base sources. Wait years to be denied due to lack of proof. I attempted years ago for Okinawa exposure with the deny, deny, deny response. Too much emphasis on veteran proof.
Mary Taylor, 4/22/19
I was active duty there 1981-82. I FEEL SICK AND MAD.
Carlos Coats, 4/15/19
I served at Wurtsmith AFB. from 86 to 90. lived in barracks. I have diagnosed to blood disorder and cancer. no history in my family of either.
Robert Krouse, 4/2/19
Stationed at Wurtsmith AB from July 1978 through Dec 1979. Had stage 3 oral cancer 2015 and Am still here in 2019. Never a smoker or risk group. When I had surgery and treatment at the Mayo Clinic in April, 2015 was Source Unknown in Mayo records. Also have thyroid nodule being monitored in follow up checks scheduled for 5 years. I was a runner and would run the base perimeter from the on base barracks where I lived. I read this information today while looking up my old bases and it has me wondering.
Allen Williams, 3/23/19
Erhac AB in central Turkey 1978 - 1979 had jet fuel contamination in the drinking and bathing water at the Air Force detachment there. First day arrival at site we were told not to drink the water, but to drink beer or other liquids not having water from the base. it was common to have digestive problems during your 1 year tour at Erhac, and Erhac should be asses on your list of past contaminated military assignments.
William Barr, 1/19/19
What happen to camp Pendleton and Philippines and all the other hazmat bases?
Arthur Johnson, 12/14/18
What happen to camp lejune how it was not mentioned?
Bill Reid, 12/10/18
How is Ft. Dix contaminated and not McGuire AFB?
Robert Brown, 12/10/18
Alameda, Calif. 1972-1981 closed due to comtamination. Wife cancer, daughter cancer, son deceased diagionsed by emory doctor as Agent Orange. We lived in navy housing.
Bill Henry, 12/10/18
Are there any army post in Germany that are contaminated?