Those That
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Q442: I checked with my VSO and he is not familiar with this Radiation Exposure Compensation Act. What proof would a surviving spouse need to show eligibility for this compensation on behalf of my deceased husband who served this country in the Army for 22 years as an 1st Sergeant during the Korean War and Vietnam War as well? Served two tours of duty in Vietnam and died of Agent Orange related illness in August, 2005 and was rated 100% disabled veteran.

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A1: I assisted my widowed Mother with this several years ago. My Father was in Vietnam and handled agent orange. After his service he suffered from occasional skin cancers and had been treat several times at the VA hospital. So these event were on record. Sometime later he was diagnosed with a large soft mass on his liver at the VA hospital. Within a month and before he could receive an appointment for a biopsy, it spread rapidly through out his abdomen. He passed very quickly as a result. I filled out a form to the VA asking them to review his medical history with cancer, in addition to the cancer that took his life all too soon, which apparently is considered common with agent orange exposure. We also attached his death certificate which stated cause of death and type of cancer. After a short review, the VA approved 100% VA death benefits to my Mother and a letter acknowledging that previous exposure to Agent orange as ultimately causing his death. Please reach out to VA for assistance. There are certain website where veterans will assist you through this process. My apologies for not giving you more details About forms and website for assistance as this was done many years ago. Keep searching the internet, you'll find the help and guidance you need. There are awesome veterans out there that go above and beyond to help you. Good luck and sorry for your loss. God bless America!! (ED) 6/14/20
A2: Contact an Accredited VSO with the American Legion, VFW. AmVets. DAV or another Service Organization. They can explain the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act. If your husband was 100% and died of service connection as you allude to he is not eligible for anything else. However, you can submit a claim. To file any successful claim the "Calusa Triangle" will assist you. 1. A current diagnosis (no diagnosis-no service connection) 2. In service event. (when, where, how) 3. NEXUS (link: cause and effect connection) (or a Medical Doctors Statement. "Is as least likely as not due to Military service"). (GH) 6/14/20