Those That
Virginia State Benefits
For More Information
To learn more about the VMSDE program:
Phone: (540) 597-1730 Voice: (540) 875-7573
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Virginia Department of Veterans Services
270 Franklin Road, S.W., 8th Floor
Roanoke, VA 24011
Honorary Diplomas
Veteran Honorary High School Diplomas recognize the life experiences of veterans who were unable to complete their high school education because of service in the armed forces during World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. Since the first honorary diplomas were issued in 2001, more than 1,000 have been awarded to veterans of these three wars.
To obtain an honorary diploma, a veteran may submit a statement to the Veterans Education Unit of the Virginia Department of Education describing his or her service, the location of the last school attended, and affirming that he or she was unable to complete high school upon return to civilian life. The guidelines also allow family members and veterans’ organizations to submit this information on behalf of the veteran.
Veterans Honorary High School Diploma Program
Virginia Department of Education
P. O. Box 2120
Richmond, Virginia 23218-2120
For more information, contact Margaret Roberts at (804) 225-2924 or at
Virginia Employment Commission (VEC)
VEC provides job referral and placement resources available to assist veterans in finding jobs. Veterans Employment Representatives (LVERs) and Disabled Veterans Outreach Program (DVOP) staff are available in most VEC offices to assist veterans with employment services
Department of Human Resource Management - Veteran Outreach Services
The Department of Human Resource Management places great importance on providing veterans access to information about employment services and assistance.
Home Loan Guaranties
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) makes loan guaranties to service members, veterans, reservists and unmarried surviving spouses for the purchase of homes, condominiums, manufactured homes and for refinancing loans. VA guaranties part of a total loan, permitting the purchaser to obtain a mortgage with a competitive interest rate, even without a down payment if the lender agrees. VA requires that a down payment be made for the purchase of a manufactured home. VA also requires a down payment for a home or condo if the purchase price exceeds the reasonable value of the property, or if the loan has a graduated payment feature. With a VA guaranty, the lender is protected against loss up to the amount of the guaranty if the borrower fails to repay the loan. A VA loan guaranty can be used to:
- buy a home
- buy a residential condominium
- build a home
- repair, alter, or improve a home
- refinance an existing home loan
- buy a manufactured home with or without a lot
- buy and improve a manufactured home lot
- install a solar heating or cooling system or other weatherization improvements
- purchase and improve a home simultaneously with energy-efficient improvements
- refinance an existing VA loan to reduce the interest rate and make energy-efficient improvements
- refinance a manufactured home loan to acquire a lot
VA Benefits Used To Calculate Child Support
The Virginia court system reaffirmed a prior decision holding veterans’ disability benefits are included in calculating child support in Virginia. A 2017 decision from the United States Supreme Court, where the court held, did not affect this holding because that decision did not involve the propriety of a state court’s consideration of military disability benefits as a source of funds.
Vets on Track Foundation
Furnishes homes for veterans who have been placed into permanent housing after living on the streets or in a shelter. This “Fresh Start” program volunteers turn these houses into warm, loving homes with everything from sofas, beds, dining room tables and chairs, dishes and silverware, to pictures, pillows and blankets.