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Texas State Benefits
Free Recording of Discharges
Under Texas State law, Local Government Code Sec. 0192.002, the County Clerk in each County is required to record, free of charge, the official discharge of each veteran who served in the Armed Forces of the United States of America. This free service is very important as it provides veterans with a ready source from which they can obtain a certified copy of their discharge whenever it is needed.
Note: It is the veteran's responsibility to have the DD Form 214 or Discharge recorded. Please also note that if you recorded your DD Form 214 with the County Clerk before September 1, 2003, it became a public record. A veteran may direct, in writing, that the county clerk destroy all copies of the record that the county clerk makes available to the public as required by section 191.006 of the Local Government Code. Discharges recorded after September 1, 2003 remain confidential for 75 years following the date of recordation.
Tax Exemption for Veterans
Disabled veterans who meet certain requirements, their surviving spouses and the spouses and minor children of a person who dies on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces are eligible for property tax exemptions on the appraised value of their property. The exemption is mandatory and applies to taxes levied by all taxing authorities in the State. A veteran, whose service-connected disabilities are rated less than 10% by the Department of Veterans Affairs, or a branch of the Armed Forces, is not entitled to a property tax exemption.
Special License Plates
Disabled Veterans, Former Prisoners of War, Pearl Harbor Survivors, Purple Heart and Medal of Honor plates are among the special license plates available to eligible veterans and their survivors for personal use on their automobile or light commercial vehicle of one ton or less. Disabled veterans must have a service-connected disability rating of 50% or more or 40% due to amputation of a lower extremity. Former prisoners of war are eligible if they were captured or incarcerated by an enemy of the United States during a period of conflict with the United States and at the time of the capture, were citizens of the United States. Eligibility is for both former members of the Armed Forces and civilian U.S. citizens who were captured by an enemy of our government. For further information, contact either the nearest vehicle title registration office or your county tax office.
Parking Privileges for Veterans With Disabilities
Vehicles displaying disabled plates, disabled veteran plates or
permits are the only vehicles allowed to park in spaces clearly marked for the disabled. In some parking lots, the disabled spaces are colored red and others are marked in the traditional blue color. People who have a blue disabled parking permit or disabled veteran license plates can park in either the red or blue spaces. Those with a red disabled permit are only to park in the red spaces. If the parking lot ONLY has blue-colored spaces, then it is permissible for those with red permits to park in those spaces.
Dependent Benefits Expanded
The voters of Texas, passed Proposition 2, expanding the legislation that entitles a surviving spouse of a 100% disabled Veteran, a total exemption of Homestead property taxes. Surviving Spouses of a Veteran who was rated as 100% Service Connected Disabled or compensated at the 100% rate due to Individual Unemployability by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) at the time of their death, may qualify. The prior state law required the Veteran’s death to have occurred on January 1, 2010 or after. The expansion of this law includes those Veteran deaths that occurred in 2009 and before. This law also expands to Surviving Spouses of a member of the Armed Services killed in action. The new law will take effect January 1, 2016, and applies only to a tax year beginning on or after that date.
Requirements to qualify for the exemption are:
- The property was the surviving spouse’s homestead when the Veteran died;
- The property remains the surviving spouse’s homestead (there are provisions if the property was sold and another property purchased); and
- The surviving spouse has not remarried since the death of the disabled Veteran or member of the armed services;
- Veteran must have had a combined service connected disability rating and compensated at the 100% rate or compensated at the 100% rate due to Individual Unemployability for service connected disabilities by the VA.
Surviving Spouses who believe they may be entitled to this new benefit should contact their VSO or call 1-800-827-1000.
Free Legal Aid
Low income military veterans, their dependents and surviving spouses may be eligible for free civil legal services through Lone Star Legal Aid's Military and Veterans Unit. Those who have served in the military; married to a veteran or are the surviving spouse of a veteran; or are the child or other dependent of a veteran and currently depend on that veteran for support can apply for support through the program. Applicants must meet income and asset based criteria, as the program is geared towards those with low incomes and limited assets. Lone Star Legal Aid is able to assist with noncriminal legal issues involving veteran benefits, bankruptcy, custody and child support, consumer issues, divorce and family law, education, employment, housing and Medicare and Medicaid. Interested applicants may call 1-844-400-VETS from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday or apply by email at
Texas Veterans Commission
The Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) is a state agency created to serve the needs of our state’s veterans and their families. Its purpose is to serve Texas veterans, their dependents or survivors in all matters pertaining to veterans’ benefits and rights. TVC administers three programs: 1. Claims representation & counseling; 2. Veterans employment services and, 3. Veterans education. Through these programs, TVC assists veterans, their dependents and survivors in obtaining state and Federal veterans’ benefits, such as compensation, pension, death benefits, employment assistance, educational assistance, hospitalization and outpatient care, as well as numerous other benefits and privileges.
Looking for Members to Serve
The Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) is seeking qualified applicants to serve on its advisory committees. Advisory committees serve the TVC by making recommendations and/or providing key information and materials to the Commission. To apply click here.
Texas Veterans Commission
P.O. Box 12277
Austin, TX 78711
Telephone: 1-800-252-8387
Texas Veterans Network
The Texas Veterans Network is making our country stronger by empowering veterans after they return home from active military duty. The Texas Veterans Network accelerates the transition from military to civilian life and growing the transition model to serve Texas service members, veterans, and their families. For more information call 888-737-3112.
Hidalgo County Veterans Affairs- VA Benefits Explained
Do you know what benefits are available to our military men and women? The County of Hidalgo Veteran’s Service Office is an advocate agency established to assist veterans, their dependents and survivors in obtaining entitled benefits from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs and the State of Texas. VA Benefits Include Health Care, Insurance, Pension, Disability Compensation and More.

VA Dogs of Texas
VA Dogs of Texas has provided trained service dogs to assist the lives of disabled veterans living across Texas. These veterans are suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTS), Military Sexual Trauma (MST), and physical disabilities. To learn more about the program call 830-253-5141.
Guns Not Allowed
Despite the new 2021 permitless carry law, the following locations do not allow guns concealed or open:
- Bars
- Sporting Events
- Polling places
- Airports
- Courtrooms
- Government offices
- Jails and prisons
- Hospitals
- Federal property
- National Park buildings
- Private businesses that post signs
At the same time there are some exceptions.
For example, while carrying in an airport, licensed gun holders have protections related to the accidental carrying of a firearm in the secured area.
Tax Exemption
Starting in January 2022, any veteran who has been awarded full disability compensation will be entitled to a total property tax exemption, regardless of whether they are actually receiving that compensation. Prior to this change, only veterans receiving the compensation were eligible. This will increase the number of disabled veterans eligible for a total homestead property tax exemption. Another law will expand the eligibility of veterans’ surviving spouses for a total property tax exemption. The law will soon include spouses of any service members killed in the line of duty. Currently, spouses of members who died in accidents such as car crashes and other noncombat events are not eligible for the exemption.
New Law for Disabled License Plates
Starting January 1, 2022, anyone parking in a disabled parking space must have a disabled person license plate or a disabled parking placard that features the International Symbol of Access (ISA). Currently, disabled veteran license plates do not feature the ISA.
Texans with disabled veteran license plates wishing to use disabled parking spaces in 2022 may apply for a disabled parking placard or for a new disabled veteran license plate featuring the ISA.