Those That
Pennsylvania State Benefits
Education Benefits
- GI Bill Information
- Educational Gratuity Program
- Defense Activity For Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES)
- Montgomery GI Bill Information
- Financial Aid for Veterans and National Guard Members
- Special Grants to Children of Soldiers Declared POW/MIA
- Postsecondary Educational Gratuity Program
- Scholarships For Military Children
- State Grants and Other Financial Aid For Veterans
- Troops to Teachers Program
- PA Division of Veterans/Military Education
- Operation Recognition
Employment Benefits
- GSA Disabled Small Business
- SBA Office of Veterans Business Development
- Veterans Business Outreach Center
- Veterans Preference in Federal Civil Service
- National Guard Technician Retirement Benefits
- U.S. Office of Personnel Management Veterans Preference
- TurboTAP
- TA Online
- Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) Information
- Veterans' Employment & Training Service (VETS)
- Veterans' Preference on Classified Service Employment Lists
- PA State Civil Service Act
- PA State Civil Service Rules
- Veterans Employment Representatives
- State Retirement
- Purchasing Credit for Active Duty Military Service Time
Health Benefits
- Agent Orange Benefits
- Army Behavioral Health
- Pharmacy Benefits
- VA Clinical Practice Guidelines
- Deployed Medical Research LINK
- Gulf War Illness
- VA Health Benefits Eligibility
- US Army Hooah for Health
- Persian Gulf Illness
- TRICARE Military Health System
- DOD TRICARE Policy for Active Reserves
- VA Environmental Agents Service
- VA Health Care Information
- VA Health Services Research & Development
Housing Benefits
- VA Home Loan Guarantee Program
- Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency Loans
- Veterans Get Boost from New PA Housing Finance Agency Home Loan Rules (Press Release)
- Maximum Purchase Price and Income Limits
- Participating Lenders
Persian Gulf Bonus
On April 24, 2006, Governor Edward Rendell signed House Bill 1820 into law as Act 29 of 2006. This Bill establishes the Persian Gulf Conflict Veterans’ Benefit Act. On November 7, 2006, Pennsylvania voters gave overwhelming approval to a ballot question to fund the program. The bond issue created a fund for the payment of compensation to, or on behalf of, eligible current and former members of the United States Armed Forces, a reserve component of the United States Armed Forces, or the Pennsylvania National Guard.
Veterans Emergency Assistance
Purpose: Provides financial aid in an emergency and on a temporary basis (not to exceed three months in a 12-month period) to veterans and their beneficiaries who reside in Pennsylvania for the necessities of life (food, dairy, shelter, fuel and clothing).
Veteran's eligibility criteria: An honorably discharged veteran.
Served during established war service dates as determined by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal or Navy Expeditionary MedalMust be a Pennsylvania resident. Unexpected loss of income within 180 days of application through no fault of the individual. May not be on Public Assistance. Must have a financial need.
Upon the recent death of a veteran, their spouse or orphaned children are eligible provided the veteran would have qualified prior to his/her death.
Veteran Bonus
Veterans who served in the Persian Gulf Theater of Operations from August 2, 1990 to August 31, 1991, can apply for a bonus from the Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs. The bonus pays $75 a month, up to a maximum of $525, for those who served in Operation Desert Shield or Operation Desert Storm.