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Georgia State Benefits
K. POW Tags: One free license plate will be issued free to any veteran who is a former prisoner-of-war, who was discharged under honorable conditions, and who is a legal resident of Georgia. Former prisoners-of-war are exempt from paying ad valorem taxes for state, county, municipal and school purposes on the vehicle on which they place the free POW license plate. Additional plates may be purchased upon payment of the appropriate taxes and registration fees. A widow/widower of a deceased former POW is eligible for the issuance of a free POW tag so long as they remain unmarried.
L. Purple Heart Tags: Recipients of the Purple Heart medal are entitled to one free license plate. Additional tag(s) can be obtained by paying the regular license fees plus a manufacturing fee.
M. DV Tags: Disabled veteran tags are available to veterans who were separated under honorable conditions and who meet the same degree of disability which is required for the issuance of HV tags, but are unable to qualify for a free license plate. DV tags are not issued free but may be purchased at regular license plate rates.
N. Pearl Harbor Tags: Veterans of the armed forces of the United States who survived the attack on Pearl Harbor are eligible to receive a special and distinctive vehicle license plate upon application and payment of an additional fee.
O. ID Cards: Personal identification cards are available to veterans who do not have a motor vehicle driver's license and who would, otherwise, be entitled to issuance of a free veteran's driver's license.
P. Reduced Fees for Disabled Veterans: Any service connected disabled veteran who was discharged under honorable conditions can visit/use state parks historical sites and recreational areas at reduced rates.
Q. Veterans License Plates: Retired personnel of the U.S. Armed Forces or individuals who served during WWI, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, Operation Desert Shield/Storm, Operation Enduring Freedom, and Operation Iraqi Freedom are eligible to purchase special and distinctive vehicle license plates. All requests must be accompanied by payment of the appropriate taxes, registration fees and manufacturing fees. Motor Vehicle owners who retired from active duty with the Armed Forces of the United States shall be issued one free tag upon applications.
Special Provisions:
A. Handicapped Parking: Holders of DV license tags are authorized to park their vehicles displaying such tags in parking areas designated for the handicapped without obtaining special handicapped parking area permits. This does not apply to federal parking areas.
B. Motor Fuel Service to Handicapped: When there is an option on the price of fuel at a full-service/self-service facility, a station employee, upon request will dispense fuel at the lower price from the self-service pump into vehicles bearing HV or DV license tags if: (1) the handicapped/disabled veteran is driving the vehicle into which fuel is to be dispensed; and (2) the veteran is not accompanied by a person at least 16 years of age who is not blind or has impaired mobility.
C. Abatement of State Income Taxes: Georgia law provides that service personnel who die as a result of wounds, disease or injury incurred while serving in a combat zone as a member of the armed forces of the United States, are exempt from all Georgia income taxes for the taxable year of his or her death, nor shall such taxes apply for any prior taxable year ending on or after the first day he/she served in the combat zone.
D. Employment Preference: Extended to war veterans employed under the State Merit System.
E. Guardianship: The Uniform Guardianship Act provides for appointment of a guardian for incompetent veterans and for veterans' children when VA benefits are involved. These appointments are made on the basis of certificates issued only by VA.
F. War Veterans Homes: Treatment is provided all honorably discharged war veterans in the Georgia War Veterans Home, Milledgeville, and in the Georgia War Veterans Nursing Home, Augusta. The term "war veteran" for this benefit means any veteran who served on active duty in the armed forces of the United States, or on active duty in a reserve component, including the National Guard, during wartime or during the period January 31, 1955, through May 7, 1975.
G. State Veterans Memorial Cemeteries: Locations in Glennville and Milledgeville. Eligibility crieria are the same as federal law.
H. Vital Statistics: Veterans, dependents, VA or veterans' organizations, may obtain copies of marriage, divorce, birth and death documents without charge, through the Department of Veterans Service, provided the copies are to be used for establishing disability or death claims with VA, and the request is in writing.
I. S ervice Records: There is no charge for recording of veterans' discharge certificates (DD Form 214) in county Superior Courts.
J. Where to go for Assistance: All Georgia veterans and their dependents are urged to visit the nearest office of the Georgia Department of Veterans Service for complete information on benefits for which they may be eligible as well as professional assistance in obtaining them.
Ride Forever Program
The Macon-Bibb County Transit Authority had made changes to its RIDE FOREVER initiative which was launched on Veterans Day 2019.
The program was started in order to allow for U.S. military veterans honorably discharged from service to ride all MTA fixed route buses for free forever.
MTA CEO Craig Ross shared in a quote, “MTA is honored to continue this FREE program for our veterans in partnership with AARP of Georgia. It’s the least we can do for the men and women who bravely served our nation.”
To be apart of the RIDE FOREVER program, applicants must:
Be a resident of Macon-Bibb County.
- Be at least 65 years old.
- Bring proof age & service: veteran’s ID card, driver’s license indicating military service, DD Form 214 or DD Form 215.
- RIDE FOREVER card is valid for travel on MTA’s fixed route buses only.
How To Enroll
To enroll in RIDE FOREVER, veterans must make an appointment with MTA. Call 478-803-2520 during business hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
When making an appointment, veterans may:
- request an application by email to complete at home and bring to the appointment, OR may complete the form at the appointment.
- When the ID is authenticated, a photo will be taken and a RIDE FOREVER card issued.