Those That
USS Ingersoll (DD-652) [Destroyer] [Operated on Saigon River, October 24-25, 1965]
USS Mansfield (DD-728) [Destroyer] [Operated on Saigon River August 8-19, 1967 and December 21-24, 1968]
USS Richard E. Krauss (DD-849) [Destroyer] [Operated on coastal inlet north of Da Nang, June 2-5, 1966, protecting Marines holding a bridge]
USS Basilone (DD-824) [Destroyer] [Operated on Saigon River, May 24-25, 1966]
USS Hamner (DD-718) [Destroyer] [Operated on Song Lon Tao and Long Song Tao Rivers, August 15 – September 1, 1966]
USS Conway (DD-507) [Destroyer] [Operated on Saigon River, early August 1966]
USS Fiske (DD-842) [Destroyer] Operated on Mekong River, June 16-21, 1966]
USS Black (DD-666) [Destroyer] [Operated on Saigon River, July 13-19, 1966]
USS Providence (CLG-6) [Cruiser, Light, Guided Missile] [Operated on Saigon River 3 days during January 1964]
USS Manhan (DLG-11) [Guided Missile Frigate] [Operated on Saigon River October 24-28, 1964]
USS Okanogan (APA-220) [Attack Transport][Operated on Saigon River July 22-23, 29-30, 1968 and August 5-6, 1968]
USS Niagara Falls (AFS-3) [Combat Stores Ship][Uploaded supplies on Saigon River and Cam Rahn Bay, April 22-25, 1968]
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John Setzke, 10/29/18
I was on the U.S.S. VEGA AF - 59 from AUG. 1965 - Aug 1968. We operated up and down the coast of Vietnam. We tied up at the docks in Da Nang and resupplied the base at Cam Rahn Bay several. We also went up the Saigon river for resupply of various ships there. I came down with Prostate Cancer and had a Prostatectomy and was awarded 100% from VA due effects of exposure from Agent Orange. I had to acquire all the ships logs for proof of being in close to where AO was being used. The Vega should be on this list. I have other records with the Vega being listed.
William DeMusey, 10/27/18
What about the USS Catskill MCS1?
Robert Angle, 10/27/18
Ok, this is not about the ships and boats in South Vietnam. As a Marine grunt we often met with these great men on the banks. We also spent considerable time wading river marshes, streams. Etc and many of us could tell from the water where agent orange was sprayed. Many of us got severe cases of jungle rot which I still suffer from. We. Could see the AO and smell it even being under the spray as we saw the plane pass above us. We had no idea that the spray would get into our system years later suffering from poisoning. We did our job well though the VA has not.
Joseph Katlubeck, 7/31/18
What about the USS Bulloch County LST-509. We were beached in Da Nang for engine repairs and then went up the Que Vet River?