Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q97: I am trying to find out what the rule is for accrued monies? My brother in-law died, and his daughter returned a check he had received (back pay). He died after the check was issued. She did not know what to do and thought the check would be reissued to the estate (2 Adult Children) after it was returned.

If you have a question about benefits, compensation, pension or VA related issues please submit here.
A1: If there is no surviving spouse then the only way for the family to get any money from the VA is to file a VA21P-530 for reimbursement of burial benefits. Once the check is returned (and it has to be, since the check is written out to the veteran and they are no longer alive) the spouse can request MOD (month of death) payment but if no spouse, the check will not be reissued. (LC) 8/13/18
A2: Any monies issued after the veteran dies has to be returned. Depending on when in the month the veteran died, the surviving spouse could be entitled to accrued benefits. This is any monies the veteran earned but was not paid prior to his death. (AP) 8/14/18