Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q96: I served from 1959 to 1965, so as far as I know that would qualify me as serving our country during the Vietnam War. I served in the U.S. Navy. I would like additional information as to whether or not I DO qualify for benefits? I have a spouse and I am not housebound.

If you have a question about benefits, compensation, pension or VA related issues please submit here.
A1: If you or while your ship served in Vietnam "in country" and your a Vietnam War Veteran, and not just a Vietnam Era Veteran, age 65 or older you can apply for a war pension, print out the form and mail it in and maybe fill out an on line fom as well, this benefit is not widely advertised, but go to the website you can do it provided you actually were in Vietnam aboard a ship or on a base. (JA) 8/10/18
A2: You should speak with a DAV service officer. They can determine the level of benefits you are eligible for. Check your 214. If it does not list Vietnam service, then you do not qualify as a Vietnam veteran. You may qualify for a non service connected pension, but this is a needs based benefit. It is based on your total household income. This is why you need to speak to a service officer. (AP) 8/14/18
A3: There are no automatic benefits associated with service in Vietnam. However there are a host of illnesses that would be considered presumptive if you served in vietnam. You can Google presumptive illnesses associated with Vietnam to get the list. (RJ) 10/24/24