Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q87: I received a severance pay in February 1995 and then I was granted disability in 1997. The severance pay was recouped before receiving any disability payments. There were taxes taken out as well. Do I get my taxes back?

If you have a question about benefits, compensation, pension or VA related issues please submit here.
A1: I just received a letter from the Defense Finance & Accounting Service. This letter states the President of the UNITED STATES signed into law the Combat-Injured Veterans Tax Fairness Act of 2016, which provides eligible vets the right to seek a refund of taxes they may have paid on disability severance pay. What you should do; complete & mail IRS form 1040X to the IRS Kansas City address. Call 833-558-5245 ext 378. (HB) 7/24/18
A2: That is a question for the IRS. (AP) 7/25/18
A3: Yes, just recently congress passed a bill in order to do that so I recommend you to a tax person to get this done. (BP) 4/25/19