Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q84: My husband was over in Korea and is a disabled veteran and cannot get help for nothing. We live in Shelby North Carolina and the house we rent is falling down and the landlord will not fix anything. My husband has a wheelchair and he will not fix the floors so my husband can get in the wheelchair in the bathroom or the rooms. Can anyone help us or just my husband?

If you have a question about benefits, compensation, pension or VA related issues please submit here.
A1: Try the housing authority in your area. Also your local DAV or American Legion they are veterans organization someone in those should be able to point you in the right direction. (ED) 7/17/18
A2: I would urge you to go to your nearest VA and talk with a Social Worker. They maybe able to direct you in the right direction. (CR) 7/17/18
A3: Read the entire article and in addition, write your congressman. Also, check with your local Veterans Service Officer through one of the local veterans organizations such as the DAV, VFW, American Legion, etc. (RD) 7/17/18
A4: Please see one of your local veterans organizations like the DAV, VFW, or the nearest VA service center. E-mail me back if you have no luck. (TS) 7/17/18
A5: What I would do is to go to the local building dept. and file a complaint with them and also the health dept. (GP) 7/17/18
A6: I suggest that you get in contact with your local Elected Official with your husbands problem. (JK) 7/17/18
A7: Most cities and counties have a codes enforcement department that requires property owners to maintain their property to a minimum standard. Most are listed in the government pages of the phone directory or on a website. (DB) 7/18/18