Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q78: I am 100% now. I have diabetes type II rated at 20%, renal failure involvement with diabetes, and sickle cell rated at 60%,
arteriosclerotic heart disease at 100%, and PTSD rated at 70%. Am I entitled to more compensation?

If you have a question about benefits, compensation, pension or VA related issues please submit here.
A1: You are also entitled to Housebound based on one condition at 100% and one at 60%. Have your PCP complete the VA 21-2680 and apply for Housebound. (LC) 7/10/18
A2: Having heard that question before, and listening to several VA patient advocates from groups like the VFW, American, Legion and the DAV, the answer is no. Once you reach 100%, you reach the highest point. NOW, if you also suffer from "E.D." you can submit a claim. You will receive and additional amount, but is not attached to you monthly. The specs are, "obtaining an erection, but are unable to maintain it, and there is no specified time period, in which you are required to maintain said erection. (JP) 7/10/18
A3: : Unfortunately, you are receiving the maximum compensation. You can only receive housebound if you have one condition at 100% and another at 60%. (AP) 7/10/18
A4: You and spouse at 100% should receive $3,139.67 per mo. (JV) 7/11/18
A5: Several here have said you are not entitled to any additional benefit. I believe there is a problem here with defining terms.
Since you are at 100% you will never receive a higher rating. However, if your medical condition is severe enough, you can ask for additional funds called SPECIAL MONTHLY COMPENSATION.
SMC can be applied for by using the 21-2680 form to document your medical conditions. Once your doctor fills out the form and confirms your medical condition (s), you can use a 21-526b to ask for the SMC allowance. I would also fill out a 21-4138 to explain specifically what I am requesting. I have filed this type of SMC claim for veterans hundreds of times. (RJ) 7/26/18