Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q77: In May 2015 I was granted 100% T&P for Congestive Heart Failure as a result of exposure to Agent Orange. I had been getting 60% for ischemic heart disease since the date the VA recognized Agent Orange and heart disease. My question, since my heart attack was in 1996 is there any possibility of getting
retroactive pay?

If you have a question about benefits, compensation, pension or VA related issues please submit here.
A1: The regulation states that the date of claim is the date the condition was discovered or the date the claim was initiated, whichever is later. The only way to get retro pay is to prove the VA made a clear and unmistakable error. (AP) 7/10/18
A2: No unless u can prove u filed. A intent before your date of claim is how the law reads! (BP) 4/25/19