Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q76: I retired with 30% disability with the VA in February 2000. One of my disabilities was an enlarged left ventricular on heart and high blood pressure. 4 years after I was out my civilian family doctor had me checked for sleep disorder. Seems I got it really bad. I notified the VA and sent them the test results from two different times. They told me since it was not discovered while I was on active duty they couldn't help me. The civilian heart/lung doctor told me my heart problem and blood pressure was a side effect for not being treated properly. Any help on this one would be appreciated.

If you have a question about benefits, compensation, pension or VA related issues please submit here.
A1: You have to meet three conditions to have a successful claim. First. An illness or injury in service, a nexus of care from then til now, and a current diagnosis. You only meet one of the three, so you would not be successful in winning your claim. (AP) 7/10/18
A2: The va always denies claims. You have to appeal. (BB) 7/11/18
A3: The guidelines are very clear concerning sleep disorders. It has to be in your records, or within one year of leaving the military and only then if there are numerous documentation in your service medical records that show snoring, sleepiness, insomnia or other sleep issues. Other than that, you will have to try and get it granted as a secondary condition to one of the conditions you are already service connected for. (LC) 9/4/18