Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q75: Can hypertension be an additional connection with PTSD/MST?

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A1: Yes it can, I received a 20% service connected rating as the hypertention was a secondary to my PTSD. It is quite often to how the Dr. writes the report. (TS) 7/3/18
A2: The answer is yes, it is possible for hypertension to be a secondary service connected condition to PTSD or MST, however, medically it can be difficult to prove. Usually hypertension is granted if it manifests itself within one year of leaving active military service. Or it can be discovered upon examination for another service connected condition, such as diabetes type 1 or diabetes mellitus, or a heart condition such as coronary artery disease. Linking hypertension to PTSD or MST is difficult because sometimes the hypertension manifests as a result of a specific medication a veteran is on which he or she may take to control PTSD symptoms. My advice is to get a valid medical opinion from your private doctor first that shows a possible link between the two conditions. Then use a veteran service organization to help you file a claim for secondary service connection. (KG) 7/10/18
A3: Yes there is caselaw and medical literate that supports this! (BP) 4/25/19