Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q74: I am rated 40%, what benefits am I able to receive?

If you have a question about benefits, compensation, pension or VA related issues please submit here.
A1: Veterans with a 30 percent or higher disability rating are eligible for dependency benefits for a spouse and minor children up to age 18 or school children between ages 18 to 23. (KG) 7/3/18
A2: Aside from what qualifies under the VA System, my State also has State Benefits which are not Federally Connected. Since this is a matter of Public Record in any case, you might be able to discover if there are things your State offers. In my case, benefits are based on the VA determination of Disability. (BK) 7/17/18
A3: In the case of Dependent medical (addressed on 7-3-18) the VA offers a medical plan for your eligible dependents which you pay for, like you would pay for any alternative medical plan being offered. I think qualified Dependents are covered for free for those who get 100% Disability. In my case, Combat Injuries do not add up to 100% (due to the VA Formularies for determination) so my Dependent chose to use other sources of insurance.
The VA publishes the information you request, as well as agencies that serve veterans, and your State will Publish what they offer as well (all indexed to your Disability Rating). (BK) 7/17/18
A4: Dear brother, generally you have to be 50% to use the px. No co-pay for doctor visits and pharmacy, and military PX,s. Hope this helps you out. (PD) 7/30/18