Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q62: Does anyone have any recommendation for PTSD doctors that would perform DBQ's in the San Diego (north county area)?

If you have a question about benefits, compensation, pension or VA related issues please submit here.
A1: Any private Doctor. Look them up on yelp and read their reviews. I recently moved from the SD county but found a private Dr that is willing to sign off not only my PTSD DBQ but all other DBQs I throw at him with equality of course. (JB) 6/19/18
A2: Loma Linda VAMC PCP said they do not do them. WWP said that is a major problem because the VA has all records and civil Dr's don't know the buzz words. I'm in a bind and I have VA Appeals Court end of this year. (DF) 7/2/18
A3: Almost every VA doctor will NOT fill out a DBQ. That would be like: Robbing Peter to pay Paul, in other words: take from the left hand to give to the right hand. You have to go to a civilian doctor so he can fill out a DBQ. Every DBQ is for a specific disease. For example, if you are a diabetic, you would get the DBQ for Diabetes, or Ischemic Heart Disease DBQ for Ischemic Heart Disease. Every disease has its own DBQ Form. DBQ stands for: Disability Benefits Questioner and a Medical Doctor must fill it out and sign it. Then you turn it in as new evidence for your claim or as additional evidence to help a claim already in progress. Good Luck, My Brother.....Be Patient but Persistent! (RA) 2/12/19
A4: DBQs are no longer available to you. They are only available to folks that actually do the C&P exams. (DS) 6/30/20