Those That
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Q445: Back in 75 through 79 I was stationed in Gulfport, Mississippi as a Seabee. There were rows of Agent Orange and hundreds if not thousands of Agent Orange barrels all in a big row piled on top of each other. The barrels even then were rotting away and the Agent Orange was contaminating the soil but then also I’m not sure it wasn’t on Diego Garcia and Okinawa. The color in the puddles from the rain would turn to orange. We worked in it every day doing concrete forming. Anyways, my arms are covered in what the doctor called sun spots from the tropical heat in Diego and Okinawa plus Gulfport actually is pretty hot during summer months. So anyway I’m just checking on what may be due to me?

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A1: First, you need a private doctor to write a diagnosis. In his letter he should say your condition is most likely due to herbicide exposure. If you are a member of a service organization, I would have them submit a claim to the VA, using the doctors letter as evidence. You probably should also request an Agent Orange protacal exam. There are many, many health issues associated with agent orange. Good luck. (SM) 6/25/20
A2: File a claim for disability, it will not be retroactive until the fight discovering is over, you may have to go to appeals, but at this point the two location at least Gulf Port MS is. Okinawa was discovered to have Agent Orange there at the ports, but went into appeals to get approved. (PS) 6/25/20
A3: I was there also. Plus A school in the old barracks that were on well water. We were told at every safety meeting that we should remember that you are now being exposed to Agent Orange , It was in the dust in the air, water, everywhere. Even in the ditches outside the base for the public to get. The VA seems to not recognize this as a issue as of yet .Not sure what they are waiting on but we were exposed everyday we were there up into the mid 1980s. (VL) 6/25/20
A4: I think you are owed the world! File a claim. I will pray that our government makes it right for you. (LB) 6/25/20
A5: Yes I to have those spots and they had me digging in the soil in Dong tam. I also have nerve damage in my feet they claim is just happens to older people and they hurt like walking on rocks and burn but are also numb to the touch. If you get help let me know I DID REPORT MY AGENT ORANGE CONTACT TO THEM YEARS AGO. (CF) 6/25/20
A6: The herbicide was not orange, the barrels had a orange stripe painted around them. The other agents I saw had white, green, pink, purple or blue stripes painted on the barrels. (RJ) 6/25/20
A7: I agree with A1 have a doctor write a letter and put a claim into the VA. I was a Seabee in Vietnam from 1967 to 1969. I have Agent Orange. I lost my arm to Agent Orange cancer called soft tissue sarcoma. I got prostate cancer which is from Agent Orange which is from Agent Orange. Last year I got a heart attack which is also from Agent Orange. I'm 100% from the VA. Find a doctor soon it takes a long time to get anything from the VA. (JP) 6/25/20
A8: Do you have any symptoms/injuries from exposure? Heart disease, prostate cancer, DMII or other health issues you can link to exposure. Make an appointment to see an Accredited VSO with the American Legion, DAV, AmVets, VFW or another Service Organization. Take him/her a copy of your DD-214 any health records from military service. Also your private doctor who will state "more likely than not this was due to military service." You are owed nothing until you file a claim for compensation. Also google up Agent Orange base contamination. (GH) 6/25/20
A9: In 1967 I was stationed at Camp Schwab and I also was wondering if any of that was used for treating any weeds that might have grown in the grass or would it have killed all the grass also. The grass was always really green but never seen any weeds anywhere. (DG) 6/25/20