Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q433: I’m so done with my VSO! I have used four different VSOs and none of them have been any good. I’m thinking about using a law firm to assist with my claim. Question: Will my chance of getting a winning outcome increase if I use a law firm to handle my disability claim? I have read many of the questions on this board and I didn’t see any good feedback about using a VSO. I know a law firm will want 30% - 40% of any back pay I might get, but at this point I’m willing to give it up if I can get a winning outcome.

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A1: Nowadays, it's better to have attorneys who specialize in VA, Social Security, and Workmans comp. They are who have the legal expertise. (DM) 6/2/20
A2: Yes like to use a law firm trying to get an increase on my disability and seems there's no good help. (RF) 6/2/20
A3: Good luck!...I worked to get where I am at 80%, should be 100% easily, but it took me 6 damn years to fight the system. From what I've heard, law firms won't even take your case unless the KNOW they will win. They are not out for you, they are out for themselves. (DW) 6/2/20
A4: If you get an attorney firm, get one that is VA accredited. They are only allowed to get 20% of your back pay. Of course, they will do their best for you because they don't get paid unless you win. (RC) 6/2/20
A5: You just answered your own question. However, look for pro -bono law firms, such as possibly the state you live in where there are state VA attorneys that can help you. (JD) 6/2/20
A6: After using other VSO's I went to the DAV for help. They were concerned and provided me with the help I needed. You might try them if you haven't yet. (RS) 6/2/20
A7: If you decide to use a VA accredited attorney over a. VSO, make sure you do some online homework on VA attornies before you pick one. I don't know who told you that VA accredited lawyers get 30 to 40% of any monetary amount you may win on an appeal claim. That is false. The maximum any VA accredited lawyer can receive on a successful appeal of a VA disability claim is 20%. And if a lawyer or law firm doesn't win for you, they get nothing. So do your homework and talk to other veterans who had good outcomes using a VA accredited attorney before you decide on one. Remember that the lawyer needs to explain to you if he or she thinks your claim is winnable and why, otherwise why would they take your case if they believe your chances of winning aren't good. They would spend alot of time preparing your appeal only to lose and have no money to show for all their time and legal representation. There are many fine and successful VA accredited attornies you can choose from. Do your homework and good luck! (KG) 6/2/20
A8: Talk to someone at the DAV. Disabled Veterans of America.. they can help with legal issues. paper work, filing, appeals, etc, etc...(JH) 6/2/20
A9: I could be wrong but I think a Lawyer for Veterans can only charge 20%. My does. Good luck! (RB) 6/2/20
A10: Sadly, you are not allowed to fight the VA with a lawyer. HOWEVER, I DO know a trick: One day I saw a commercial on TV for a law firm that helps people fight Social Security. I always wondered why I could not get SSI, since I could not hold a job because of my disabilities. So I gave them a call. When we (me and the lawyer) finished, I had an 8-page letter from the judge saying that I was "Unemployable" be cause of my disabilities. SSI owed me a few years of back-pay, and the lawyer's fee was 20% of that check, and SSI owed me a rather nice check from now on. So, I asked the lawyer about VA, since they said I was only at 60% disabled. The lawyer said that I can not use a lawyer for VA, BUT, "As a citizen, I'm telling you that you now have an 8-page letter from a federal judge that says he has examined all the written testimony and all the medical records in the case, and he says that you are 'unemployable'. Send that to the VA. It is the same federal government, and he is a federal judge." VA HAD to determine that my bad back (from an injury on active duty) made me unemployable as a blue-collar worker, and other problems that resulted from an aneurism I had while on active duty meant I could not work white-collar jobs, either. VA had to declare me Unemployable on the same date that the judge said, give me the back pay. and up my claim to '98%, Unemployable'. (JM) 6/2/20
A11: Have you tried a DAV VSO? I have had very good luck with them. (TL) 6/2/20
A12: Not sure if a Law firm will be Quicker or Winning, for It's a Long process in general! I think persistency Is the Key with a VSO, VA, or even a Law firm! I used a VSO (American Legion), It was about a 10yr Fight... but I Stayed Persistent! (RC) 6/2/20
A13: Law firm would not take my case. Veterans Comp took my case and after 3 years with their help, they got it approved! (SG) 6/2/20
A14: Hire an attorney and get it done. Why worry about the fee. What are you getting now?!!! (HB) 6/2/20
A15: Law firm. (TB) 6/2/20
A16: Yes they are worth the money you pay them. Went from 50% to 100%. Also granted SMC of S and K. (DH) 6/2/20
A17: The firm I used wanted 10% of the back pay I received and nothing beyond that. With a Veterans law attorney you will have someone who knows all the steps to take in terms of appeals, letters to write on your behalf and next steps that seem to often escape the compenticies or willingness of VSOs. I was very fortunate. I left everything in the hands of the attorney after being denied for my disability. Seek the services of a Veterans law attorney and hopefully you will have the same success as I did. Good luck. (RK) 6/2/20
A18: Julie Glover/ Adam Luck NOVA Lawyers. (LC) 6/2/20
A19: I used a claims agent and she got me from 70% to 100% P&T. She got 20% of my backpay which was fine. If a claims agent can?t get you an award you owe them nothing. The 20% is regulated by the V.A. I think it is the same for claims Lawyer. Check with one. (RR) 6/2/20
A20: Get a lawyer. (JC) 6/2/20
A21: As a VSO, I have heard that so many times, I am going to get a lawyer, I said that your decision but do you want the whole apple or do you want 2/3 of the apple. I can tell that not all VSO are created equal. I have helped so many who was going to do that.. all I asked was give me a chance to see what I can do. (GG) 6/2/20
A22: I too gave up on the VSOs and turned to a lawyer. Lawyers are limited to 20% by the VA. I turned to Jodee Kayton at Law4Vets check it out online. I eventually got 50% disability up from 0. Twenty per cent of 50% is better than 20% of 0. Good luck. (JC) 6/2/20
A23: I had been waiting for 2 years to even get a response from VA on my claim. I used the VFW VSO and got a hearing in two weeks and a 60% rating that afternoon. You don't say which VSO you used but rather than give a law firm 40% I would try a different VSO. (TM) 6/2/20
A24: Try Chisolm and Chisolm and Kilpatrick lawfirm. (KG) 6/2/20
A25: Our VFW VSOs are very good at what they do and there are VSOs representing the Legion, DAV or state veteran commission that are also capable of handling claims. Also, you can use your US congressman or Senator to submit a VA inquiry as a constituent. I would only use a law firm specializing in VA claims as a last resort given the fact that are losing 30-40% of what you earned. The other aforementioned services (VSO or congressionals are free!). (ES) 6/2/20
A26: I used an AMVETS Service Officer for 7 Agent Orange related claims. He was perfect with everything he told me. My first claim resulted in a 40% combined rating. The last claim resulted in a 100% IU rating. IF you find the right VSO, your claims will be a breeze. However, that obviously has not been your experience. If I'm correct, the attorney fees (percent of your award) is limited to only the lump sum payment you initially receive or maybe for only the first year's benefits. If you believe an attorney is needed, be certain to know exactly what the fee is as a percentage of your award and what portion of your award is subject to your fee. Obviously, you wouldn't want to pay 40% of your benefits for the rest of your life. Do your due diligence. (DL) 6/2/20
A27: Sorry to hear about your dealings with VSO. My representative was great and helped me file my claim. My claim was approved in 4 months and received a check in 10 days. Attorneys cost money and you have to pay them regardless of the outcome. VSO are volunteers and cost nothing. (PA) 6/2/20
A28: A VA Certified attorney cannot charge you a cent. That is the rule. Make sure the law firm has a certified VA representative before taking them on. (CL) 6/2/20