Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q431: I'm SCD 100% T&Ps + wheelchair. In Germany, the FMP seems to need all the "disabilities" in order to provide medical care. I'm having some PTSD issues come up that were not rated! I spent 79-83 at Ft Mac and Pellam Rg. Would my rating increase or just document more areas? 2. The FMP is questioning if medical care (hospital) and ambulance should be paid by FMP as service-connected to care for my MS. If I had an exacerbation because of the accident (I was run into by a drunk on bike). He had no insurance, I noted my 100% to get to hospital.

If you have a question about benefits, compensation, pension or VA related issues please submit here.
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A1: Since you are already 100% P&T, anything extra would just be documented. You aren't able to go higher than 100%. (LM) 5/31/20
A2: You can file a claim for PTSD or any issue you can prove associated with military duty. Your 100% amount will not change unless you have compensation for SMC or Aid and Attendance. I suggest you contact an accredited VSO with VFW, DAV, American Legion or another Service Organization. (GH) 6/1/20