Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q425: How come desert storm veterans don't get the combat action badge? I was in combat too, and I have severe PTSD because of it. I have less pay showing that I got in combat pay. I still get treated like crap and brushed off. Military years: January 24, 1980 – January 24, 2002. Combat vet.

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A1: I was a Marine in combat in Vietnam and they do not list me as "in combat." My only explanation I got from the VA was because all in country Vietnam Vets are categorized as Agent Orange and all are treated as the same disability. PTSD is a different disability all together. (GS) 5/26/20
A2: It's only retro-active to 2001. Yeah, I know. I was at 'Mortaritaville' and had 256 incoming while I was there, but no badge. Seems I was never close enough to be 'in combat', so seriously, it's a non-issue to me. (RP) 5/26/20