Those That
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Q421: I am 90 % disabled. I have severe diabetes with neuropathy in my hands and feet. I have difficulty even walking. I do get 100% rating due to unemployability. I do appreciate that as the money really helps me. I would like to get permanent and total disability. How should I go about doing this?

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A1: Contact an Accredited VSO from the VFW, DAV, American Legion or another Veterans Service Organization and file for IU. If you do not file you don't receive. Do read your award letter and decision letter from the VA. Sometimes veterans are awarded IU with no further C&Ps. (GH) 5/23/20
A2: You are already getting paid at the 100% rate I would not reopen my claim if I was you. Just to get P/T when you are getting UI Your 90% rated you do not want them to kick you off UI, and they can if the VA feels like it. Even if you got P/T you still will be on U/I So do yourself a big favor stay safe and leave things as they are. (PJ) 5/23/20
A3: I used the VA Insiders to help me. They are a group of guys and girls who are all service connected disabled. They help veterans get the ratings they deserve. Check them out on YouTube. There is a fee if you get an increase. 50% of the increase for one year interest free or one lump sum payment. The process is very difficult to do by yourself. I highly recommend them. (MH) 5/23/20
A4: Even though you are presently receiving compensation at the 100% level, with what Congress has been trying for the past few years, I would highly recommend submitting a claim a.s.a.p. for the rest of your physical and mental health issues for which you receive care for from the VA. If you're not P&T and Congress gets their way, you will lose IU at 62. (TB) 5/31/20
A5: I agree with the A2 answer. The IU give the same benefits as P&T. Check about SMCs, equipment and secondary situations to you medical conditions. (AD) 6/1/20