Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q419: I read the 2nd stimulus Bill been approved and help is on the way to pay rent, mortgage, and utility. Questions not just myself but for all vets alike. Where is the money for rent and mortgages? Is that all lump into the payment and/or is there a separate payment? Especially like most all vets at least we have taken out a mortgage so where is the extra green cheese? So I can put some lettuce on my sandwich.

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A1: That's all you have to do is look at the schedule. This site gave that info. It is according to how much you made in 18- 19. You must remember. Your SS counts. (PG) 5/17/20
A2: Not sure which one your actually referring to but here goes. There have been 3 bills pass the second one provided a 1200 per person stimulus check and aan assist with mortgage and rent payment but had a loop hole that banks who were angry about it were using to put notes in your credit report that caused credit rating drops some up to 40 points. There is a 4th stimulus package that is still in the Senate and will not pass the vote there. (LC) 5/17/20
A3: Hey, I haven't even gotten the first one, not holding my breath. (BO) 5/17/20