Those That
Questions & Answers
INSTRUCTIONS: Please read each question carefully. If you are able to answer question appropriately use the form below the question to respond. Your name will not appear on the public answer page. Only your initials and date of your response will be visible.
Q417: My name is Emily, wife of Frank. Frank served in U.S. Air Force for twenty-two years, and also served in the Vietnam War two years. Frank suffered with terrible headaches after Vietnam throughout our thirty-eight years of marriage; according to the VA doctors Frank’s headaches came from exposure to Agent Orange. He only received 10% disability for Agent Orange exposure. In 1996 in a split second Frank’s headache caused a blood clot to his spinal cord C-3, and the Dallas VA hospital was home for Frank and I for one year and four months, the doctors gave Frank four days to live, but he lived six-years. Frank was sent home paralyzed from his neck down; ventilator and tracheotomy in his neck. Frank died three times, in and out of the hospital numerous times, with me being his sole caregiver. I have begged, and pleaded for everything to get help for Frank from the VA administration, and I am still begging at seventy-six-years old. Frank died in June 24, 2001 at the age 69 years-old, and now VA claims to have lost his records. I am hoping someone can help me get the Agent Orange benefits I believe I deserve. I am asking, and begging again for financial help on behalf of my husband Frank. I have begged since his death 2001, please help. I’ve sent this letter to Waco, TX. Thirty-six times. I have filled out every form 10-1000 and others no responses in twenty-years. I will be seventy-eight-years old in December. Please help me. Letter number 33.

If you have a question about benefits, compensation, pension or VA related issues please submit here.
Use Form Below To Respond
A1: I am truly sorry for all that you have been through and so sorry for your loss. Find a good Veteran Service Officer - contact the Vietnam Veterans of America - 1-800-882-1316 - toll free
301-585-4000. Or go to the DAV. You deserve alot more than a lousy 10%! Good luck, keep fighting! (RM) 5/12/20
A2: There is no " Agent Orange " benefits. You can talk to a local DAV. Get a dep pension but not much can happen. Sorry for your loss. (BB) 5/12/20
A3: I would obtain the Services of a Lawyer who is an expert in dealing with Veterans and the VA. Have you spoken to the DAV, VFW, or American Legion Representatives? Search all your husbands papers for anything that might help your case. Also, if you know of any of your husbands USAF Service buddy's or who served with him, you could obtain a "Buddy Letter." Wish you luck. (SS) 5/12/20
A4: I would suggest that you contact your local congressman. (JH) 5/12/20
A5: You need to find an attorney who specializes in Veterans rights..My husband and I have been clients for 7 years. The amount of work they do on our behalf is astounding..We would have given up on all the requests, denials, etc. that had to be submitted. They do have a % fee - any money that they get for you out of the first check they get their %. any monthly payments are the veterans after that. We got copies of everything; any letters or forms that came to us directly from the VA, we made copies and submitted them to the attorney. I believe that it is expected that you will give up at some point. Payments are retroactive in most cases. As long as it's been for you, that could be a nice sum. P.s. we started out with a VSO. let me just say, not all VSO's are created equally. You hear stories of some VSO's that are all about getting you what you deserve; then there are those who will not return your phone calls, e-mails. We had to have a fellow Vet friend call him to see what the issue was. When we finally went to see him, he treated us like we were a bother. We had heard that his predecessor was awesome. Some have agendas of their own, sadly. I wish you luck and I will keep you in my prayers. call you r local county veterans services office to get help finding an attorney. also, a local DAV could be quite helpful; they are veterans who have been thru the wringer too. (HB) 5/12/20
A6: Send that letter to your congressman. I did and he help me get my money for a different reason though. Twice actually. (CF) 5/12/20
A7: Work with a Veteran Service Officer. You can go on the VA site and find the information of how to get in touch with one. See, search for VSO. You may also call teh American Legion and seek their help. (BW) 5/12/20
A8: Please get a service officer from your local veteran agent in the town you live in. (PJ) 5/12/20
A9: Get ahold of your nearest Viet Nam Vets office. When I found out they had an office after many years, they helped me. I am so sorry for your suffering. I lost my son last year because of what I believed was the way I was. Not knowing. (PG) 5/16/20