Those That
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Q390: Does the VA have the right to ban me from the medical center? I had a disagreement with a lazy, good for nothing receptionist at my last visit. It got heated. I yelled a little and knocked a few pamphlets off the counter, no big deal. I picked them up and left the hospital. Now they won’t let me back in. Now I’m pissed all over again.

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A1: Rightly so. Zero tolerance. They possibly felt threatened for their lives. They must deal with this type of behavior daily. What if it were you in their place? Wouldn't you want to be treated with respect and dignity? I've only heard your side of the story, but I to am a veteran with PTSD 70% and it's a daily struggle staying humble when the help is not assisting you in a professional manner. Yes, it's just easier to go off, but know that you have tools through the VA. Utilize your chain of command then contact Patient Advocate and you can always go higher than that. Get their name and report someone that's not treating you properly. Everyone is going through something and everyone is not going to agree. Be fine with that, but by all means, be calm. Thank you and this is my feel on this situation. (WF) 4/16/20
A2: Call the White House VA Hotline (855) 948-2311. (BO) 4/16/20
A3: 38 CFR 1.218 - Security and law enforcement at VA facilities.
(5) Disturbances. Conduct on property which creates loud or unusual noise; which unreasonably obstructs the usual use of entrances, foyers, lobbies, corridors, offices, elevators, stairways, or parking lots; which otherwise impedes or disrupts the performance of official duties by Government employees; which prevents one from obtaining medical or other services provided on the property in a timely manner; or the use of loud, abusive, or otherwise improper language; or unwarranted loitering, sleeping, or assembly is prohibited. In addition to measures designed to secure voluntary terminations of violations of this paragraph the head of the facility or designee may cause the issuance of orders for persons who are creating a disturbance to depart the property. Failure to leave the premises when so ordered constitutes a further disturbance within the meaning of this rule, and the offender is subject to arrest and removal from the premises.
A pattern and repeated history of abuse, however, can get someone banned from the hospital. Something that is a big no-no that might get you banned right away and possibly jail time is communicating a threat in any way to a VA employee or facility. I understand that veterans get angry, but this is not something okay to do, even casually. It's taken very seriously. (RJ) 4/16/20
A4: Yelling and knocking pamphlets off of the counter may not seem like a big deal to you but it would to me and I believe to most people. (RM) 4/16/20
A5: I won't go there at all! Nor will I have anything to do with any so called service organizations! I am a male victim of MST, and I get a really bad time about it! (DM) 4/16/20
A6: You're one of the lucky ones. They provoked you to yell and throw papers but a lot of other veterans into suicide. You can waste your time reporting them or you can leave with your life. It's a sick system that recruits sick people to do their dirty work. (EC) 4/16/20
A7: The VA cannot ban you from the campus based upon anything you have done. They are prohibited by law and policy if you are entitled the the medical benefits package. This is why they instituted the patient record flagging system because they cannot ban you entry to the facility or deny you services or care. Although they may be able to temporarily remove you from the campus, this would be only temporary. All of this depends on the crimes but they are still required by law to treat you. Remember it is the VA that is the criminals not the innocent veterans. They are trying to cancel or kill undesirables and once you have been marked it is extremely unlikely you will ever find leave and relief from the VA. Best of luck. (IH) 3/18/21