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Q388: Can a Vietnam veteran get a disability rating for Agent Orange or PTSD if he has a dishonorable discharge?

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A1: To be eligible for VA disability benefits, a veteran's discharge must be under conditions other than dishonorable. ... If a discharge is upgraded through this process, the VA will consider the upgrade in determining eligibility for benefits, but the discharge upgrade does not automatically remove the bar to VA benefits. (RJ) 4/16/20
A2: No. (RK) 4/16/20
A3: What makes you think you deserve one if you have a dishonorable? (LB) 4/16/20
A4: As far as I know, I don't think so. I know agencies like VOA, VFW, etc... won't assist anyone with a dishonorable discharge. (RR) 4/16/20
A5: It is my understanding that the VA is barred by law from providing disability compensation and other benefits to veterans with other-than honorable discharges. BUT - if your bad paper discharge was for conduct that could reasonably be attributed to PTSD or other combat-related issues, there is a process to have your discharge reviewed and possibly upgraded. Find an Accredited Veterans Service Officer for more information. (DJ) 4/16/20
A6: Veterans earn their benefits through honorable service to our country, not otherwise. (JC) 4/16/20